Hating someone so much you hope they die to the cartel
Person 1 : Fuck you i hope you die
Person 2 : I hope the cartel kills you in the most brutal way possible
Person 1 : :(
Can be acheivable .
Work hard enough and there’s that possibility of a better outcome
amazing, funny, cute, happy person,
Friend: "Hey you're a possibly alan!" You: "Thank you man!"
Something that isn't possible to do on Facebook, i.e. physically possible.
Alex: Did you see my thread?
Vicky: Yeah, and I liked your thread more than Facebookly possible, as I can only like it once.
Meatless-less meat, also known as regular meat.
BK Customer: Can I have a possible meat burger?
Tortured Drive-Thru employee: Did you mean Impossible Burger, sir?
BK Customer: no, I want a regular burger if thats possible.
Annoyed Tortured Drive-Thru employee: Fuck you!!
Pomni's totally real iconic catchphrase in The Amazing Digital Circus.
Pomni: My iconic unicorn horn is picking up a soviet signal!
Jax: I'm going to kill you for no reason.
Pomni: Well, it's possible.
Another way of stating IMpossible
Can't be done, no, not possible!