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A young male boredello for an elderly man, or as most people would put it a young teenage boy sex-slave for an old man

timmy is one god damn punk old man johnson does have him on

by Unicornllamadino February 15, 2011

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Not giving a damn what people think of you and their opinions

"I think Bad religion and Bob Marley are great punk influences!" "Dude that stuff sucks, thats not music at all! you should be listening to this" "you know what go fuck yourself in a corner with a fire axe, then chop your own head off for being a prick".

by we are nihilism January 13, 2011

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Punk is just being different, not being a follower. But this can be misleading, true punk is INNER. When you see the people with the huge liberty spikes yelling "Anarchy" and shit like that, those are posers. It's not being different as an, what you look like, but what you feel, who you are, and not giving a shit whether people accept you or not.

True: Having fun, and doing the stupidest things for the hell of it, because it makes you happy. Being a true punk.

False: Breaking random shit to show off for your friends.

by xAndre182 September 2, 2010

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Before the "punk" music scene took over, punk was only known as a male prostitute, or a male who participates in sodemy.

Look at that punk over there walking into that gay bar!

by zykos June 30, 2006

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A movement originating in the 70's in rebellion to pop music.

Sex Pistols, The Stooges, The Clash, The Ramones, The Slits, The Damned, Minor Threat, Black Flag, Bad Religion, Dead Kennedys, Bad Brains, Social Distortion, Youth Brigade, Millions of Dead Cops, Suicidal Tendencies, and many VERY underground bands. Ska punk includes Rancid, NOFX, Pennywise, and others.

by punkrockkid November 16, 2007

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1)Punk is NOT:
Avril Lavigne, Hilary Duff, Hot Topic, Sum 41, Good Charlotte.
Punk IS:
An i-dont-give-a-flying-rats-ass attitude towards a lot of things. Having strong feelings against the government and politics in general. a bit of an anarchist

The punks that I'm friends with:
have strong opinions about politics and the government, are against any form of supression against them, are drunks, drug addicts, pretty tough, crazy, easy going, a bit narcisstic, ARE NOT RACIST HOMOPHOBIC ETC., and apathetic (don't care about much).
Dressing in plaid and leather jackets doesn't make you punk.
Sorry to burst yer little bubble...
Having a "i really don't give a shit, fuck you" attitude, being kind of anarchist, misbehaving...now that's a bit closer...
Dressing in tight pants, boots, a leather jacket, and studs with a lovely multi-colored mohawk on top, doesn't make you "SO PUNK RAWK".
even if you wear Lacoste and Abercrombie and all that...
If you have the attitude, yer techincally a punk.

2) Loud, fast, and aggressive music.
examples of real PUNK music: Ramones, Iggy and the Stooges, The Dead Boys, A Global Threat, Aus-Rotten, Reagan Youth, The Virus, The Casualties, Crass...just to name a few.

Lyrics are usually about the government and politics and other topics to release anger...also sometimes humorous, rude, dirty, or morbid things (such as killing babies or raping mothers).

1) Person1: ew those are some nasty shoes.
"Punk": yeh i really don't care what you think. i like them a lot so go fuck yerself.

2) "I Want To Be A Facist Pig, Love To Fight, What A Thrill, We Don't Stop Until We Kill. I Want To Be A Facist Pig!"
"Don't respect something that has no respect
don't sympathize with something that has no sympathy
don't understand something that has no understanding
Don't give them their freedom, because they're not going to give you yours
Fuck nazi sympathy
Don't give them their freedom, because they're not going to give you yours"

by Baileyanne May 6, 2007

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Punk changed. It's not dead, but the name is being abused. Good punk, the old stuff, like MDC, The Clash, Misfits, Subhumans, Dead Kennedys etc., are being pissed on by bands like Blink-182 or Good Charlotte. Although bands like Blink and GC are called punk, they don't have the punk feel. They just feel poseurish. If they're reading this :Dressing punk doesn't make you punk.

Classic Punk - MDC, The Clash, The Misfits, Dead Kennedys, Subhumans, Vice Squad, The Damned, Crass, Toxic Narcotic, Toy Dolls, The Ramones, Adicts, Lower Class Brats, etc.

Posuer Punk - Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Green Day, etc.

Recent, but real punk - Pennywise, NOFX, Rancid, etc.

by PunkOrNot August 1, 2005

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