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quickies and cream

The term you use to describe the feeling when you want both a tasty dairy desert and a good time but not a long time.

To your tinder date: “hey meet me outside coles for a quickies and cream. The ice cream is on sale

by Neverbeentoeurope January 15, 2018

Quickie Square

The act of going out for a quick cigarette.

Quickie - Doing something in a fast or quick manner.

Square - Slang for cigarette.

Combined creates quickie square.

Not to be confused with the carpentry tool used to make straight 90 degree angle cuts which is also called a quickie square.

I'm going out for a quickie square, wanna come?

He just got back from a Quickie Square break.

by NTHNEZ June 10, 2011

Arby's Quickie

When you have involuntarily popped a huge throbbing uncomfortable boner in the midst of a non-private or public situation. So you then decide to go to the nearest Arby's and buy the beef n' cheddar sandwich, go to the public bathroom provided, and fuck the sandwich through the buns like theirs no tomorrow. When you nut, the cum looks like mayo, so you go find a homeless person and give them the sandwich as if it was a good deed.

Man, I popped a huge tent pole at Arby's today, so I thought I would pull an Arby's Quickie on this homeless dude.

by jasepi May 4, 2017

Facebook quickie

1.When you have a lot of stuff to do however you want to check your facebook quickly, often times in anticipation of an important message

2. an excuse to get away from annoying people on facebook chat without seeming too douchy

ex. 1
I know i need to study for the biology exam but im expecting a facebook message from my crush.... i think ill make a facebook quickie

ex. 2

person a. hey man (blah blah blah) and so what do think?

person b. gee man i would LOVE to talk but i got to go, sorry this was just supposed to be a facebook quickie,

by every1rocks555 October 4, 2010

Picky Quicky

When you have sex with someone while riding on the forks of ride-along pallet jack.

"Franklin keeps bringing his girlfriend in for a picky quicky on Rods ride."

by ArsenicPlatinum February 17, 2023

sickly quickie

Having sex quickly while both parties are sick.

Her "We have to be at the doctors in a hour" Him " just enough time to sneak in a sickly quickie".

by Watermelon juice May 28, 2016

uber quickie

A couple orders an Uber/Lyft from home and once the app confirms the time until arrival; that is how long you have to have sex with each other, orgasm and clean up before the Uber calls/messages that it has arrived. (Everyone wins, including the Uber/Lyft driver who gets two very happy riders)

I’m about to order a ride; you down for an Uber quickie?!

by Epic Ridge January 3, 2019