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Royal Oak Middle School

Hey did you go to roms.

person 2 yeah I did!

by Lane-Games February 15, 2024


Rom is a name for a good man, he is someone that you should be with.
He is always happy to help with anything .
Every girl that is going to be with rom would have great time.

Girl 1 :How things going with rom?
Girl 2 : He is amazing everything is great ,im so happy to be with him!!

by ArgoNMK November 21, 2021


The Android mobile operating system (OS) is open source and customizable. Customized Android operating systems are called ROMs and they can be installed to replace, for instance, the stock Google OS which comes on Pixel phones.

I am going to wipe the Google OS from my Pixel phone and install a custom ROM on it.

by Linguist453 April 3, 2021


A magic stick that provides head spins and attracts junkie pussy

oi cunt can you got a rom?”
“yeah mate, just watch out, there’s a few junkies hanging around.”
free pussy

by junktimepeacedawg February 15, 2022


Slang for shrooms.

Hey man! Do you still have any more of those roms? I’m trying to trip tonight.

by Dwightthemadman September 24, 2020


Another common phrase in dancer culture, it means rock on monday. This saying brings you good luck and energy for the rest of the week.

,,Let's ROM, my dudes!''
,,YUP, my man, let's go!"

by sekretbusiness May 7, 2021


Rom is the sexiest guy, girls always love to be around him. He is always playing on the computer and love to explore new things.
He loves animals and mostly dogs.

Girl 1: What do you think about Rom?
Girl 2 : I think he is so cool, i love how he's so calm and good with pets!!

by Algergontery1289 November 21, 2021