An adult tattle-tale. Also known as a rat. A person who throws someone under the bus for anything, no matter how petty.
if someone rats on you to your boss for taking an extra 10 minutes on break... “you little rattle-tale”
Nobody respects a rattle-tale
The Buzzing Feeling you get in your nuts after riding a motorcycle for an extended period of time
Man that was an awesome drive on the Harley, but my nut rattle is killing me
1. When someone tries to fuck with Nicolas Cage.
2. To binge watch multiple Nicolas Cage Movies in a day (minimum 4)
1. "Oh shit that guy better put his gun down or he's going to Rattle The Cage."
2. "Yo Netflix just put up like 10 Nic Cage flicks. You down to Rattle The Cage?"
Common term for a unfortunate lad with a strat fetish
Ben rattle bought a strat again😩
Flatulating in rapid fire
John's rattle fart sounded like a semi-automatic weapon
The beeping noise a phone or tablet makes to alert you of its near death status (being out of battery - let's not quibble over semantics)
Oh for fucks sake, I have to charge my phone, it just gave its death rattle!
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