Very gorgeous kind and intelligent
A good working guy that makes a lot of money and is going to be rich and is going to date Addison rae
That guy ria as such a good guy
I know that I, Ria spoke much about my self, but I thought of giving more info. Ria's are great and they deserve more then they want. Like if she wants only a tiny Little doll, you buy her a Barbie dreamhouse with all the characters. She is not a TOO MUCH SELF LOVER, but not also NO SELF LOVER. She is the queen of HINDU names but she doesn't like to show her and her name of. She is THE BEST girl with other hindu names to walk on this planet. If you met or are with 'Ria' always show respect because she faces and faced A LOT with life. So if she is happy she is actually sad or tired. Never be mean because you never know how much she faces in life.
Me, Ria: I am Ria.
Other guy: *Bows down to me* Hello! I'm Sarah the Clown from Pizzazz. Pizza and Jazz.
Me: Oh!
Guys, this actually happened.
The most cutest name ever! Other names are also nice but RIA is normally used as a Hindu name meaning SINGER, GODESS LAKSHMI OR RIVER. She is the most precious thing ever and people clap before the utters a note while singing. If it is raining and she is about to be wet over a drop, people open their umbrellas and scatter around her to guide her around. If you met her or are friends with her, never let her leave you because she is so cute people faint and gasp before she even enters the room.
Me: *GASP* there's Ria!
Stranger: *BOWS DOWN!
Me: Blushes and kiss her hand!
P.S: Im a girl!
Ria is a very kind person that likes to talk and all of the stuff she says in never usually important. Ria is quite a popular person in school and is never an idiot to people and is quite kind.
Kind girl to be loved upon many people if you have a Rias in your life treasure her
I hope to meet a Rias as a best friend