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A Rusty Venture

A sexual act when a man fucks a girl in the ass and gets shit all over a dick. When the man is close to cumming he pulls out, jacks off on their chest, and then licks it off.

"Last night I gave A Rusty Venture to Sherri". "Dude, you are nasty".

by Commanderjoker November 22, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

rusty venture

when you masturbate so much your penis turns red and sore and you are unable to accomplish anything for the next 24 to 48 hours

Man! After watching 26 straight hours of goth-emo porn, I just rusty ventured myself and now I can't even walk!

by Dr. Freeze November 22, 2010

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rusty venture

When you jerk off so much that your penis becomes painfully red and scabby.

I snorted some crank and watched pornhub for 12 hours, and gave my self a rusty venture.

by sheep lovers lover November 23, 2010

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rusty venture

Something lame that unoriginal dickheads say to sound cool. It has the opposite effect & makes them sound like fuckwits

dickhead: Hey man, I'm so cool that I keep dropping rusty venture into conversation

poor guy having to listen to dickhead: You're a fuckwit!

by lickmyrim November 25, 2010

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rusty venture

A penis that is red and sore from masturbating too much.

Hank had the whole compound to himself for the day, so he decided to make himself a rusty venture.

by 1fooln6billion November 24, 2010

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rusty venture

The rusty part is when you take a girl out for a huge dinner, but you don't let her go to the can; then you have anal sex with her and she shits all over your dick, so right when you're about to get off take it out and blow shitty cum on her back.

The venture part is when you eat that junk off her back without using your hands

How about I take you to my boudoir and give you a little rusty venture?

by esquilax13 November 24, 2010

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rusty venture

when you masturbate so much, your dick gets all red and sore.

I just got a rusty venture from pleasuring myself for three hours straight last night.

by some random loser from kansas November 22, 2010

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