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Lot Salamander

Rooted from the term "Lot Lizard" a Lot Salamander is a variation. usually a younger more naΓ―ve girl, being obsessed and infatuated with diesel pick-up trucks and the over compensating men who tend to own them..... the average Lot salamander is a younger girl who doesn't mind incredibly small penises and will have intercourse with you so long as you have a diesel pick-up truck that can bellow a moderate amount of obnoxious black smoke......... term coined by SS and DW,

I pulled into sheetz to get some gas in my car and seen all the kids with diesel trucks trying to pick up a Lot Salamander or two.

by ShawnxAllen October 10, 2014

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when a girl puts a bag of pop-rocks in her mouth and then gives you a a blow-job

friend 1: dude why did you buy all those pop-rocks?

friend 2: im goin to make my girl give me a sizziling salamander tonight.

by fuzz9214 May 31, 2011

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crusty salamander

The act of giving a titty twister to the extremes of where the tit will crust away and peel like an orange until it is unexistent.

Me and my gf were sitting watching pirates of the carrabian and out of nowhere I reached over and gave her a crusty salamander. Then we danced.

by Butthole Surfer June 20, 2007

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Greasy Salamander

When a person cuts his very dirty pubes off and stuffs them into a girls butthole where they are eaten out.

the only time i tried the greasy salamander, it was a dare

by Radnetofan23 May 25, 2009

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green salamander

gonorrhea infected penis

dude your dick looks bad. oh i just have the green salamander

by raowel2.0 December 23, 2009

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Sloppy Salamander

Guy buries most of himself in wet forest leaves but leaves his dick poking out

β€œI was walking through the forest and almost got hit with the ol’ sloppy salamander”

by Sloppy Salamander March 25, 2019

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when the salamander shits

A company in San Marcos, Texas, home of the San Marcos River and the endangered Blind Salamander, has a salamander in a clear river as a in logo. When all accounts are paid the company pays for drinks and steaks at local restaurant. A reference of the WWII phrase "when the eagle shits which refers to the US government pay day"

Hey everybody when the salamander shits it's time for drinks and steak night Tuesday at the restaurant

by Clear River May 24, 2022