Just a plain awesome beautiful girl. She has the most amazing smile and a wonderful personality. She is a loving, caring person and super fun to be around. Did I mention how pretty she is?
I love Salma.
salma is the world's biggest flop. she is a larrie
louis tomlinson is such a salma nowadays
Oooooooh man... I mean... I'm only allowed to name celebrities here....
Iam "Uuuuuuuuh.... Yeah..."
Hym "PFFT!"
Iam "Don't-"
Iam "Laugh... God damnit..."
Hym "HA! Yeah, nonono, that! That shit is funny right there! Ohho!"
Iam "Salma I-"
Hym "Pffft! Ahahaha!"
Iam "Stop- It's... Look- I didn't expect it to be like this."
Hym "HOOOLY SHIT! I WROTE A FUCKING HYPER-TEXT AND EVEN I DON'T HAVE THE WORDS TO DESCRIBE HOW FUNNY THAT IS! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! SORRY BOUT THE HERESY! I'M LITERALLY HAVING SCHIZOPHRENIA IMPOSED ON MY BY THE RELIGIOUS! So.... Pfft heheheheheh... And a fat bald atheist bitch but... You know... Not you Matt. You're cool. I mean... You're fat and bald and an atheist but you're not who I'm talking about. Ha!"
Iam "Oh man this kills... This... Wow man... It takes a lot to embarrass me but.... Man..."
Hym "Oho! Wow is right! I never-in-a-million-years though that THIS would be this effective! Fuuuuuuuuuck me! Hey, am I Negan too? I'm curious now actually. I'm I LITERALLY my own favorite character in every show I'm in!? Mirio too? How many are there!? MAN!"
Iam "I'm... Sorry..."😖
Hym "Pfftthahaha! At least she's got a sense of humor about it! Damn! OHGODICANTEVEN! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Salma is a rude girl who is very bossy she thinks shes the nicest person ever but is rude and doesn't understand why someone won't be her friend
Girl 1:i don't want to be friends with you are rude
Salma:i did nothing to you i am not rude you are
A girl who is annoying and only cares about her body and herself and she is sometimes mean to her sisters and she ALWAYS says that se invented this but NO .But she is also trying to be nice nad been a loyal friend.
I want my booty to grow -Salma Ceballos
She is a badass girl with a good heart, always mad at someone. She is short af
she likes reading books, she is a psycopath with a brain that works only when she wants. She has a really really really big ass with normal watermelons she likes being a asshole. SALMA IS SOMEONE YOU NEED IN YOUR LIFE!
She is good at shacking her ass and in the bed.
Samia: Wow! Salma EA is so sexy
Anthony: oh! damn it!