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Salsa Fucked

This phenomenon occurs when dining at a Mexican restaurant with a large group and the salsa is not distributed evenly throughout the table. The areas of the table that do not have ample amounts of salsa are "salsa fucked."

Jeff, all of the salsa is at the other end of the table, yo.

I know, we got Salsa Fucked.

by Robocoke August 18, 2008

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Palm Salsa

The residue left on keyboards, computer mouse, and places in the office where hands rest during office practices.

I can't stand to use his mouse. He leaves serious Palm Salsa on everything.

by Paul August 24, 2004

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Chode Salsa

When blood from a woman's vagina or from a man's rectum leaks out and dribbles down over the area between their rectum and genitals, dries out, and becomes caked on the skin.

Your taking a shower , you look down and see blood under your nut sack and you say "Gross...chode salsa".

by RinceWind69inc March 21, 2008

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Carnival Salsa

Barf; made up of all kinds of carnival food, finished off with a ride on the teacups.

We went to the state fair, and there was carnival salsa all over the sidewalk. Some kid had just finished riding the teacups.

by bricks212 July 27, 2010

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Salsa Bowl

Having pectus excavatum

Or a large unsightly cave is ones chest

MarkyMark's salsa bowl scares off all his potential mates, but he compensates with his amazing tan and muscles

by SashaMcDavies July 1, 2009

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tossed salsa

Just like tossed salad but instead you're licking the anus of a Mexican chick

Pedro liked to give his chiqua some tossed salsa before burying his burrito.

by TBoneMcCoy January 18, 2007

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Korean Salsa

(Solsa)Diarrhea, from the Korean word "Solsa" Meaning "Diarrhea".

"Man, I didn't know you can get salsa at a Korean restaraunt!"
"No, Korean Salsa, Diarrhea!"

by JawZ25 May 3, 2008

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