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A name which posers give themselves to have an excuse to have good fashion sense as well as great hair, music style, ect. Usually having "x"'s in their screenames only because they look cool and not for the really reason which is to show that you are straight edge. Basically a group of lifeless kids who like taking pictures of themselves and posing of naturally cool people.

Those scene bitches are only scene because it LOOKS cool.

by JTheTotallyRaddWooKid May 26, 2009


somone who goes to shows (gigs) because thats where the scene is, big boobs and big hair... or just a waifish figure.
random body paint & head up asses.

"oh you know those scene kids of myspace?"
"yeah, what about them, like the ones of that chain link you keep spreading"
"yeah, i might be getting my hair done like one of them"

by ema.couture October 23, 2008


The word "Scene" is mostly, a label. Just like emo, prep, goth, etc. Alot of people who are scene dont like labels, but there are times when thats the easiest way to describe someone or there style.

Alot of people seem to think the Scene kids are stuck-up, little bitches, when they're really not. Most people assume they use lots of Xs and TyP3 AlL W3!rD like so. When they dont.

There are alot of different styles inside "scene" but there are some generalnizations. Such as (for girls) The skinny jeans, fashionable tops or band tees, and most importantly the hair... The normally, Big, Poofy, parted hair (if its long) it normally gets extremly thin at the bottom. With Guys they also wear skinny jeans, tight shirts, and their hair is normally longish, straight, parted or flowing to one side. Both tend to be very attractive and thin.

Scene kids are just like everyone else. They're not all the same. They are individuals. Just because they have some similar intrests doesnt mean anything. I'm sure if you looked at any other group or style they all have similar intrests too.

Then there are what are called "posers". They are the people that are normally to blame for he bad rep scene kids get. They will overly flaunt how apparently "scene" they are. Not matter if they are or not. They pretend to be something they're not just to be "cool" or "accepted".

I've been called a scene kid and I take great offense to people who this scene kids are concieted and stupid. I consider myself to be quite smart.

I must admit...
I've got Scenee Kidd Pridee! ;D

"I can't believe she thinks she's scene!"

"Her hair looks really scene in this picture!"

"Sorry... I only date scene guys."

by MeghanNicole April 16, 2009


Scene is just another poorly supported, illogical, stereo type, ignorant, people use to have a reason to pick at one another.

"Hey I'm going to try and boost my self-esteem by making fun of that kid whose different than me! Hey kid your really scene! (Looks towards friends) You guys hear that? Real funny right? abahahhaah!"

by Don't worry about it dude May 25, 2009


A concept which trys to break the mold of "conformity".... this has innevitably backfired. As you can see in many urban places scene kids fester in swarms and are hard to tell apart because well.... they are all the same even guys and girls are usually indistinguisable.

in a feeble attempt to be different they start liking obscure things. but alas this will set a trend in motion through all scene kids making them look even more like clones.

In summary a group of people who try to be different and yet end up all exactly the same.

"was that scene kid a girl or guy"
"wats up with that kid" ... "im afraid he's scene"

by Dr-Sock June 26, 2009


A "Sene" kid is usually wearing anything from hot topic.
They try to stand out with their bright, multi-colored hair.
Scene kids hate preppy kids and only hang out with other scene kids. They use weird emoticons like: :3, o.o, owo, o3o, xD and more. Most of them are obsessed with cookies and dinosaurs. They love Blood On The Dance Floor (Terrible band)and Black Veil Brides (Another bad band). Most of them are posers and just try too hard to fit in with other scene kids.

Typical Scene Kid: OMNOMNOMNOM COOKIES. o.o

by iHateYouAllx June 22, 2011


a typical scene is some who:

- Wears a lot of makeup
- takes a lot of pix & uploads them
- uses words like "nikka" "&&" and "hawt"
- shops at Hot Topic, thrift stores, online, ect.
- Choppy hair. Usually black w/ +1 xsess color.
- Loves music
- most people see them as posers to their own kind
- Dont care what people think
- Most likely as a Myspace
- Go's to concerts/shows alot(!)
- Usually wears tight clothes/ skinny jeans.
- Loves big bows and head bands
- fave colors are usually neon and/with black
- wears lots of jewlery

Scene girl. Scene guy.

by AllTimeLow125 October 12, 2009