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Scene Kid

A culture that's a mix between emo and harajuku. Scene kids almost always have long, straightened hair that will swoop across their foreheads; it usually looks fried. Girls will have it either black, bleached, or an array of rainbow vomit. Boys hair will usually be black, unless their parent doesn't allow them to dye their hair.

Scene kids love anything pink, gory, or both. While they obsess over shopping at Goodwill, the only thing they buy there are chuck taylors and polaroids; anything else they wear comes straight from Hot Topic. Their style consists of band tees, girl jeans, cartoon tees, animal print, and anything with an obnoxious, crazy print.

Scene kids listen to screamo, crunk, pop, and although most aren't brave enough to admit it, scene kids love mainstream music. Most come from the emo scene, so they tend to still like MCR and Hawthorne Heights.

Most scene kids are sexually confused. They end up kissing one person of the opposite and same sex, so they refer to themselves as bisexual. Some who think that term is too mainstream say they're pansexual, which is practically the same thing.

Mom, this isn't a phase, being a scene kid is who I really am!

by asdfjklsfjal;skjf January 2, 2011

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scene kid

There is a general misconception as to what a "scene kid" is. Let's break it down, shall we? "Scene" is a fashion. It erupted from the music scene, derived from emotive hardcore, punk, screamo, softcore, ect. Just like retro or vintage, scene is what you wear, how you wear your makeup, and how your hair is styled. Therefore, a scene kid is a person who dresses in scene couture. We all know the norm: skinny jeans, vans, animal print shirt, long necklaces, lip rings, heavy eye makeup, layered, teased, and multicolored hair. Sadly, many younger teens will load themselves over with black eyeliner and sidesweep their bangs and run around saying, "Rawr I is a scene kid kthnxbai." Many people consider scene kids to have a certain attitude and be vain, but that isn't the case. Whereas that may be some, remember that anybody can dress scene. What you wear won't affect your personality.

Look at that girl with pink and black hair--she's on her way to a show. Looks like a scene kid.

by nicxle-loves-you August 2, 2008

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scene kids

wow. you guys who have all this hate just dont really know any scene kids. you might look at them and be like wow look at that faggot omg hes wearing tight jeans. well at least he actuaally follows something he might like and not that everyone else likes. ya im somewhat scene soo keep talking all of this shitt and do something else with your life. get to know a scene kid or more than one. even if they wear heavy eyeliner girl jeans straighten their hair, their hair is 1 2 3 4 5 6 colors most of them are down to earth execpt the few that nobody likes

examples of jerks

scene kids who arent really scene

by carlee May 13, 2006

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scene kid

Many people think scene is jsut another word for emo. But thats where they are wrong. Scene kids are a mixture of prep, and emo.
Want to fit the part?Here you go!
Girls: you have two layers of hair. On on the top..about 4 inches long. use pounds of hairsprya on it everyday, make it stand nice and tall. Makeup is huge, coated on thick, and either black, or multicolored. never ever no eyeshadow, or nude color makeup. EVER. your pants are so tight you can hardly fit into them. you go to shows all the time. your myspace pictures have angles. in itleast one of your pictures you are doing the metal claw. you have a myspace, duh, everybody has a myspace. in your myspace; skinny layouts, graphics, your myspace name is an alliteration. ex: taylor terro. killer kasey. you get it. very pale. write on your hands daily. wears itleast 3 layers of shirts. berkanstocks are completely discusting. your not cought dead iwht your hair tucked behind your ears. often use retro words;stellar,rad,radtastic. or even some ghetto ones; ballin', er'body, iight,etc. you call everybody kid, kiddoh, kiddies. very huggable. myspace whore; itleast 1k..i mean..come'n. you go to the mall..just to go look at clothes and scream "i ned this!!!!!" to make sure everybody hears you. attention is called for. you often do the white kid dances; running man, cabbage patch, sprinkler, YMCA,q-tip,buggy cart. you HATE country. no exceptions. yu amke fun of practically everybody thats not in your 'clique'. you get mad if your called emo,gothic,punk, you are SCENE. pfft..geesh! you have ana ttitude about almost everything. you talk like a valley girl all the time. your hair is fun, no matter what.multicolored. even if just blonde and black, that does it. if your hair is one color, you shall never be a true scene kidd. talks 'kinky' all the time.screams out the most random things.
many more things describe scene kids..i jsut cant fit them on here..my fingers alrady hurt and i still have to write the guys.dangg...oh yea! thats another..you add addittion leters to your words..dangg,kidd,supp,yoo,ayye,yea.

guys:girls pants.derr? you have more girl friends than guys. pretty much manwhores.mostly the same as the girls..minus the makeup and stuff..and the hair! this applies for girls, too: bangs are a must..they swoop over one eye..hiding it completely. and thats about all for guys..they are pretty much girls anyways, right? haha..no, im kidding. they arn't. thats what everybody thinks about them anyways.."oh snapp! thats a guy in girl pants..he MUST be gayy!" pfft..get a live kiddohs, your jsut jealous cause hes gettin' all the action that you strive for.

youll more than likely see scene kids in big groups.
hardly ever in groups less than 5.
very rare^
you are rapped up in all the cartoon shows..
'the OLD ONES.
the new ones are crapp.
scene kids get prettye xcited pretty quick.

myspace convo.scene kiddohs are online almost 24/7
girl;aye kiddoh!
boy; heygirlheyy
girl; how you be
oh yea..that like to talk ghetto..a lot
boy; im great!! youu?
girl; fantastic! you goin' to the show tommarrow?
boy; nah, im going to the mall.
girl; ahh..i wanna go..but i only have a ride to the show.:/
boy; its all good..ill tkae yuh.
girl; yay! who all is going to be there?
boy; it'll be..ryan, joey, alex, brian, KT, deja, taydenn, jacob, sarah, lindsey, me, and you!
girl; greatt! what time will you pick me up?
boy; 8:30
scene kids only go out at night..day light is lamee.
girl; thanks, dearie.iluhyou!!
scene girls declare their love for anybody whenever they feel like it..even if they dont mean it..
guy & girl; PCE!

by yomamasmama November 29, 2007

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Scene Kids

"Scene" is a trend that started online. The trend is taking over myspace. They look similar to emo kids but to them being called emo is offensive. Typical Scene Kids in generall usually have double pierings such as; snakebites, spiderbites, hips etc. The girls usually wear extentions, multicolored and or striped. The boys have hair that covers atleast one eye. Oh and I almost forgot SKINNYJEANS. Don't dare to call yourself scene with out a pair. They claim to be original yet they all look exactly the same. But just looking like a scene kid isn't enough :o You must go to several shows and throwdown in the moshpits. Not only do the scene kids look the same they listen to the same music. Bands like; The Devil Wears Prada, Jefree Star, The Medic Droid, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Drop Dead, Gorgeous, Blessthefall, Suicide Silence, Greely Estates, Millionaires, A Skylit Drive, Breathe Carolina, Bring Me The Horizon, etc. Basically Screamo, electro and a little Grindcore. Back to the whole online thing, most of them are sXe (STRAIGHT EDGE) Their goal is to be the next kiki kannibal. They rely on myspace and photoshop to make them famous. Most of them have the same poses in their pictures. The M3T4L hand, being in front of random buildings and Mirror pictures are quite popular. A high friend count and professional looking pictures will get you into perfection trains which will boost your friend count. If you have over 10k(10,000 friends) you're doing pretty well. SCENE KIDS ARE ADDICTED TO MYSPACE.

This is an example of two scene kids having an online convo;

XXDAISY DESTRUCTIONXX: OMFGZZZ D000D, I just got us tix to the BMTH show <333


XXDAISY DESTRUCTIONXX: I know right, Im the sexx :

XRyan RAWRRX: bahaha...W4W?

by SUNSHINEDUSTT May 3, 2008

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Scene Kid

Scene refers to different scenes(i.e. hardcore scene, screamo scene)also refers to the "scene" being a show(concert). Most scene kids are very lively and alot of fun to be around. Guys normally wear tight girls pants, tight band tee's, and have steaks or chunks of different colors in there hair. Most peple call them emo, but hat steriotypical, and emo is a a type of music, not a style.Most guys are jealous of scene guys because they get all the girls. THE EXACT DEFINITION IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO EXPLAIN.

Look at that scene kid, i'm soooo jealous, He gets all the girls!

by x SCENE x December 7, 2005

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scene kids

These are the fucking stupid kids that ruined the music scene. They go to all the shows, make fun of anyone who isnt scene, and stand there acting like they're at a funeral instead of a show. They all look alike. They all dress alike. They are clones. And they make me sick. It's about the music....not about the fashion...not about "scene" points.

Random Scene Boy "My pants are tighter than yours, my hair is cooler than yours, i know more obscure bands than you, i've been to 8 shows in the last week."

Me "Shut the fuck up before I deck you. You pussy! I hate scene kids. Why don't you all just die?"

by iAmAtrainWreck March 19, 2005

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