n. Bunker in which to hide with one's tax returns when the press come around.
I need a few more yards of concrete. The reporters got a backhoe and dug up my last tax shelter.
Have you thought of using a charitable foundation?
A euphemism for a concentration camp for children.
The Trump Administration claimed they were placing children separated from their parents into 'tender age shelters', but everyone knew they really were placing them in concentration camps.
A person who has been sheltered by an extreme degree.
Boy: Have you seen that funny video of the dancing cat on YouTube?
Girl: What's YouTube?
Boy: Gee, what are you? Bomb sheltered?
When someone only listens to a small selection of music genres and has zero knowledge of music outside of their tiny bubble.
Person 1: Yo, listen to this Nirvana song.
Person 2: Why the hell is he screaming so loud? Is this what metal is? I can't listen to this garbage...
Person 1: Holy shit, how are you this musically sheltered???
To be homeless.
The county would not help me even though they knew I was shelter impaired.
A vacation in which you do not travel anywhere at all. Basically just spend a few days in bed.
Man this shit at work is killing me I'm going to take a shelter-in-place vacation.