The act of tearing open a pregnant womans vagina, pulling out her unborn fetus with your teeth, shoving it into her mouth, and fuck her in the ass. You then get a horse preferably a pinto, and have it fuck her. You then take a shit in her mouth which also has her unborn fetus in it that could've grown up to be a doctor or a famous basketball player. After you do all this, you then staple her mouth shut which has shit and fetus in it. You gouge out her eyes with a fucking hammer, rip her breasts open with pliers, then take a shotgun and shoot her in the ass. (If she isn't dead then knife her chest and fuck her chest cavity.) Now you have to hide her body inside a refrigerator and drive away happily to Mexico.
I gave her a Dome Skillet yesterday.
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noun: not to be confused with a home skillet or home slice, this infers that the owner of said title is a hard rockin', fast rollin', friend to the weary travelers with an Austin, TX destination. See also koolmoedeean rhapsody
1. What up my original G-Dawg Homie skillet slice?!
2. Zomg! That skillet slice just put Rob to sleep again with this L'chaims! That Rob's such a n00b
3. person 1: you gonna race that skillet slice again? person 2: Negatory, them wheels be magic on the downhill. Besides, you get tired after half a block of pushing me.
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A proper definition of a "home boy". Meaning a friend from around your home.(and/or see "hood") A label of repugnance to most, most of the "peoples" who use this term, seem to find it endearing... (rollseyes) Only in America!
"Yo yo yo my dawg! Let's roll all up on this bhome skillet/b and jack him for his shizzznit!!"
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A term of endearment used by rich boys, preps and players who have money, good looks, good college education, and have never had to suffer the hardship, brutality and deprivation of growing up in a real ghetto community.
"Wassup Home Skillet, you gonna come hang with us at Starbucks dawg?"
"Darren drops smokies in his 911 Turbo like a real home skillet, bro"
"Thats as cool as my Mustang's n' Madras, home skillet" (apologies to S.E. Hinton)
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a scary ass ghetto ass nigga
an ebonic name for "friend or friendly acquaintance"
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A fruit snack that has been sat on by a taxi driver for seven weeks and is still good to eat.
That was one tasty home skillet.
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