Source Code


v. sky, skyed, skying
To run; Vietnam War slang, used by helicopter pilots to describe men on the ground.

From a description of a radio transmission recorded during the Vietnam War:
"This mission is a troop insert into an area about two miles west of LZ Baldy. Turned out to be a base camp. As you can tell on the tape, gooners with packs and rifles were skying in all directions when the 46's landed on top of 'em."

From a radio transmission recorded during the Vietnam War:
"OK, you might pass the word to Scarface {some guy's callsign} that they got one, and one got away, and it was the point man that got him, so, uh, evidently one skyed out in front of him, somewhere."

by pablo_m123 July 28, 2005

7πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


- When high or stoned

- To be out of it or have no clue what's happening

- She was so high she was skying

by fliierhygher May 12, 2009

11πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


some female whos name is too hard to pronouce; someone with a last name that no one can remember

the blue backround outside (sometimes gray or black)

a hoe name

someome who likes to be different

Johnny: im going to sky.
Fred: your still fucking that hoe?!

Suzy: mommy whats a sky?
Mom: go outside and look up.

Genna: whats that girls name?
Colleen: isnt it sky?
Genna: whats her last name?
Colleen: nobody knows.....

by skaiste February 17, 2008

10πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A good person

Youre so cool, youre sky.

by maymayamyagay February 16, 2020

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The guy who pwns everyone

<Odysseus> Fuck u SKY u suck
<Odysseus> Im gonna fucking pwn u
Odysseus Β«~none@gamepit-2ABF5871.macmb101.mi.comcast.netΒ» has Quit iRC (User has been banned permanently from SKY-net IRC Services (U got pwnt by SKY so stfu))

by Anonymous August 17, 2003

11πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


JM2G5 says:
Ur a like bowling ball, ppl put 3 fingers in u, throws u in the gutter, and u come back for more
~SKY~ I am afk - Lets play some tetris motherfucker says:

Self explanatory there he is

by Odysseus August 16, 2003

6πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


the most beautiful person in the whole wide world, if you have a sky as a friend cherish her. she’s one of the nicest people ever but if you do sky wrong, she will throw you away like dirt. when sky walks into a room, all eyes are on her. all guys want sky to be their girlfriend. sky is very loyal, and will treat you like a prince/princess that you are.

β€œomg it’s sky”
β€œoh she’s well fit”

by ursecretadmirerxoxox April 24, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž