S to the L to the A to the V
S to the L to the A to The V ~ TommyInnit
a Slav?
It can be seen as a derogatory term against people with a slavic background as it was wrongfully used in many occasions m. It can be seen as offensive
Slavs or the Slavic Persons, are from Eastern Europe, The Balkans, North Asia there speakers are more than 360 million people from the world.
i'm a Polish. i'm from Poland. Our language family is Slavic. We are West Slavic. We are Slavs.
a slav is a person who likes vodka, semechki, and adidas most likely adidas suit with 3 stripes, and squatting.
Ivan : im going slav cyka
Igor : finally you cyka
A bunch of guys squatting and wearing only addidas, they also drink a lot of vodka and love to eat mayonez
Super vodka-powered humans that live in Russia :v
-guess it is a spy- said some Slav that watched a western spy (heels not touching the ground)