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mountain bike trail in Fernie, BC, cross between a slug and a grunt, trail construction method,

the slunt bike trail was fun

by troller May 8, 2008

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1. Offensive term that is a combination of slut and cunt; a slutty cunt.

2. Collective ice crystals that form on and coat frozen objects.

1. Dude that cake eating chick in the freezer is a total slunt.

2. Dude that chick in the freezer is eating a cake covered in slunt.

by Richard Tracy June 8, 2007

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Verb; The act of going out on the town looking for women, or sluts, with the intent of "bagging" one.

Meet me at the bar in 10... We're goin slunting tonight

by Padriag Fester August 20, 2012

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excessively bermed mountain bike in Fernie , British Columbia, smooth flowing singletrack, flawlessly constructed,

That was the sluntiest trail I've rode in a long time

by burn master November 18, 2007

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sluty ass cunt

your a slunt like your friend n.n.

by anenemy April 6, 2003

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One who will screw randomly and then suddenly have morals and not put out for another.

I screwed Molly repeatedly but she turned down my buddy Tim. That slunt.

by oifredleg December 30, 2009

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When a women is a slut and a cunt

A slunt is a women that fucks around sexually with other people then the one she is committed to.

by bigvig42982 July 24, 2007

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