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Taxi nonce

A taxi driver that slags controllers off, but buys them stuff ie, beer, spirits & doughnuts in return for a decent job

I see that Stephen is on his way to London again with a fare, yes he’s been in the base & dropped off a bottle of brandy the taxi nonce

by Johnb34 March 28, 2022

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A Greek taxi

When a woman’s minge has seen so many dicks it’s gone past the 1,000,000 mile mark on the odometer and clicked back to the start.

Jesus that bird I pumped last night had more mileage on her badger than a Greek taxi.

by Oldbuzz February 15, 2020

spacker taxi

A non emergency ambulance. Used to transport people of disbility to various engagements. Including but not confined to: hospital appointments and, back home again

Nurse: Will you be able to make it to your appointment on the 19th?
Patient: Yeah, don't worry. I'll take the spacker taxi.

by morpethrob December 19, 2007

Boston Taxi

An uncomfortable suspensionless former police vehicle with more than 1 billion miles on the odometer and with objects on the front seat more important than passengers. Usually driven by non english speaking persons with blue-tooth mobile phone implants that are permanently on, resulting in the inability of the driver to communicate regarding the fare, destination, alternative routes or how to turn off the loud advertising video.

Boston Taxi's are powered by gas guzzling pulse engines - resulting in the characteristic "on" "off" cycle as the drivers coax the vehicle forward with the characteristic on again off again pump action on the accelerator.

The Boston Taxi arrived. Only 3 of the 4 in the group could enter due to the front seat being occupied by a sandwich.

We pulsed from Boston to Roslindale, despite the destination being Milton.

by Dr Reason January 29, 2012

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Taxi crabs

The itchy, scratchy feeling after exiting a dirty taxi cab.

I can't stop scratching my legs after getting out of that dirty taxi cab. I think I caught taxi crabs!

by Habeeb-Gebbys August 12, 2010

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taxi for one

Phrase used to tell someone they aren't funny (implying that they need to leave. Alone. Right now.)
Usually used in reaction to a bad joke or stupid comment.

Dave: Knock knock.
Sam: Who's there?
Dave: Wallet inspector! Hahahahaha!
Sam: ...Taxi for one.

by feather-duster May 7, 2007

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Spanish Taxi

Farting within a motor-vehicle, to then close all windows, vents and lock all doors so passengers must endure the stench.

Bloke 1: "I gave my mum a lift to the shops yesterday, gave them a hint of a spanish taxi didn't i!"

Bloke 2: "good job"

by Jones Horton January 25, 2009

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