Gossip or "the scoop"- the type that u share w ur friends at sleepovers. It's all the info that's going on, and everyone always wants to know what it is. It's an analogy to gossip.
PERSON#1- "You have any tea, sis?"
PERSON#2- "Oh ya."
PERSON#1- "how much?"
PERSON#2- "Oh the tea is hot! She's overflowing!!!"
Friend: spill the tea
Person: so Jessica kissed Mat even though she is with Rick
Tea is the best dressed person in your life. She is also ambitious, determined, materialistic and strong.
Wherever she goes people notice her becouse of her unique style and confidence.
At first she can seem cold and reserved but she is actually one of the most sensitive people you will ever meet.
Tea is usually a capricorn or a leo.
That's Tea , she is always dressed to impress.
The gossip or drama with one person. Usually starts out with "whats the tea sis?" Or "spill the tea!" Mosty Popularlysed James Charles and jeffree star
Girl 1:"so whats the tea sis?"
A delicious liquid snack that is basically water with leaves
Bri'ish Man: Would you like a cup o' tea?
Non British Man: No.