When a male masturbates over-handed apposed to commonly Under-handed Technique.
I tried the Toothpaste Technique last night, and it felt very unique.
When somebody tells you information about themselves and then forgets they did any such thing. You then use said information to impress them.
"A drunk girl at a bar told me she was a Virgo in some random conversation. I went out for a cig a while later and she followed. She asked me the same set of questions about my 'sign' as she had inside the bar. I said, 'let me guess, you're a virgo'. Her jaw dropped. An hour later I was getting a BJ in her car" - Zenitram
Groundhog Technique
When a man attempts to shove his flaccid penis in a woman's vagina/anus, hoping it will eventually harden.
1) you have never used the stuff-technique before?
2) Came home wasted last night, had to use the stuff technique on Jillian.
A scientific trial ran by the government in the fictional book/film "A Clockwork Orange" which attempts to reform criminal Alex DeLarge into a functioning member of society.
It entails forcing criminals to watch videos of horrific acts such as rape and murder (both of which Alex participated in prior to his arrest) with drugs which make him feel sick. The scientists in the story believed, correctly according to the book, that this would make the criminal feel sickened by the acts after the treatment was over.
It has various side effects (such as sickness when exposed to the music of the videos) and was criticised by the narrative as it doesn't change the criminal's desires, just their potential to act.
ludovico's technique is a sin!!
When your having sex and you lift the girl up into the air (while the pp is still in) and start spinning her around like a helicopter.
1: How'd you break your arm
2: Last night, Brad, decided to use the helicopter technique and I flew off and broke my arm.
1. The technique used by glassblowers to shape and form hot glass.
2. A sex act in which one places the end of a long tube on another's nipple and blows vigorously into the other end.
1. Did you see that glassblower's technique? He made a vase in minutes.
2. Did you hear about John and Sally? They did the glassblower's technique last night, she says her nipples haven't been the same since.
a) Using a bargepole for certain sordid actions.
b) Not have any contact with someone, other than poking them in annoying places with a (minimum) 30ft bargepole.
a) I bargepoled her good and proper.
b) I bargepoled her good and proper.
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