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Craigs are jocks and classic ladies men, and could never be mistaken for a nerd. Craigs love cryptocurrency and positive reinforcement from friends and family. Hanging out with a Craig is always comfortable and never awkward. Usually very tall with dark hair and tanned skin.

Craig, did you sign that proposal yet?

by equties November 23, 2021

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The quiet kid. Also is 5'0 and is a fucking bitch and has no life. And no bitches and is a homiesexual

Craig: Looks for something in bookbag
Students: Everyone RUNNNNN!!!!

by Keyaun December 1, 2022

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Craig, (also known as craigory)- a person with the biggest, most ginormous penis ever

Man Craig has such a big dick, I wish I was him.

by rat prostitute February 6, 2023

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When I'm not around boys be talking Craig...

by JesSea J December 14, 2021


The act of trying to look like a baller by willingly spending the money you were supposed to pay your moms back with on something you shouldnโ€™t have.

I know dude couldnโ€™t afford that dirt bike, he must have craiged it.

Mom: I donโ€™t know how Iโ€™m gonna pay my bills this month since your brother craiged me!

by Jknnnnn June 16, 2020


To become drunk. To be persuaded to drink until becoming drunk. To stay out at a bar until at least 6:00 AM. To be so drunk the night before that you are unable to perform daily activities because you are so hung over.

Last night I got so craiged!

by Sabri Nation December 31, 2015


Adjective: A man usually with long sideburns, broad shoulders and a powerful walk!

"That guy is well Craig-like! Look at his side-burns!"

by xweirdsciencex March 9, 2009

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