Source Code

Slovak Dutch Oven

The act of passing gas into a large Casserole Dish And serving it to your unappreciative POS boyfriend for main course

My Shit stain boyfriend wouldn't come near me for two months after I served him a Slovak Dutch Oven

by Aje45 November 29, 2021

Self Dutch Oven

The act of trapping one's own, rancid flatulence under covers, and inhaling deeply. Typically performed by members of the male gender who secretly enjoy the smell of their own gas, and encourage their more evolved partners to break wind.

Synonym: To Buck; To give oneself a Harry

" I don't mind my farts, I kind of like them. I self dutch oven from time to time. Go ahead and just fart will you!"

by webabunti September 19, 2016

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Vehicular Dutch Oven

When the driver pushes the window lock button before farting thereby fumigating the entire car.

Mike ate three 7-11 hot dogs then performed a vehicular dutch oven. We almost hurled.

by nyteacher February 2, 2011

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dirty dutch oven

When attempting to give a girl a dutch oven, a shart occurs. Sometimes several marks are left behind. This is a great prank for the one night road game.

Doug: "How was the girl from last night?"
Randy: "She was a cunt, she wouldn't even swallow. I gave her a dirty dutch oven."

by dirtydutch416 November 21, 2010

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Dutch Oven Surprise

A classical dutch oven, which is when you fart under the covers and pull the covers over your partner's face, except this dutch oven comes with a freshly baked batch of brownies!

I thought it was just a harmless dutch oven, but then i saw the dutch oven surprise!

by JΓΆrg December 11, 2006

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Dutch Oven Trumping

As with the normal dutch oven, the man parps under the covers and submits his woman to a world of fetid bum-stench. However, in an act of cunning revenge, the woman waits a while for the smell to dissipate, and then convinces the man to perform oral sex on her. When the man eventually concedes, and begins to chew away on her fanny flaps, she lets out a vile queef right in his eye that renders him temporarily unconscious.

Michael Douglas's lawyer looked a bit confused when he was asked to write 'No Dutch Oven Trumping' into the pre-nuptial agreement, but Michael swore that if Catherine ever pulled that shit on him agree he'd kick her ass back to Wales.

by Roofus Wainwright May 26, 2007

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Doggy Dutch Oven

The premeditated act of a dog farting underneath the blankets, licking the owner's face to force them underneath the blankets, and revelling in his/her victory.

That fucking pooch just Doggy Dutch Oven'd me. He knew what he was doing. Well played, sir. I'll stop blaming them on you.

by Ninjapunch August 31, 2017