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an extremely large penis. Its a word that is becoming more common

Girl: have you seen the gavin on that guy!
Other Girl: no
Girl: OMG! its HUGE!

by optimusprime501 April 23, 2008

2267πŸ‘ 1864πŸ‘Ž


Of or relating to the TV show Rescue Me, or to the main character Tommy Gavin.

You've never seen Rescue Me? You're Gavinally challenged.

I just watched Rescue Me and I'm Gavinally updated.

by tinab190 June 3, 2009

22πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Gavin is a fucking bitch

Person1: Who is that
Person2: That bitch ass nigga Gavin

by Fuck gavin August 2, 2018

13πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


he gay

gavin is gay.

by fhuehfuehfue October 16, 2018

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a bitch ass lanky white faggot who sexually abuses his ginger brother and has a fat dad

Hey look it’s gavin

he’s a bitch ass lanky white faggot

by madison3338 October 22, 2018

20πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


really sexy wedge person. with many girls chasing him around and no one messes with him. he's extremely dangerous.

here comes gavin

by ban-a-man February 19, 2011

57πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


A hippie from the Northeast... specifically Vermont, Upstate New York, or Southern Connecticut. Gavins often face the conflict of upholding their earthy/drug-induced values while attending school with the preppiest and uptight individuals in existence. However, Gavins are always willing to help you smoke a blunt or partake in any other illegal activities.

"I ran out of weed, I need to give Gavin a call."

"Gathering of the Vibes? I think you mean gathering of the Gavins..."

"I saw a Gavin yesterday smoking and driving a VW bus wearing a tie-dye shirt... I think I'm in love."

by ilovebenandjerrys June 5, 2010

487πŸ‘ 422πŸ‘Ž