Targets special ed that cannot testify against hooper
hooper's pedo ring Just nabbed another special ed
When you are in a political argument and you post an article to support your views, and it actually says something entirely different. This usually happens because you are too lazy to read past the headline.
My man posted an article supporting his argument that the economy was especially hard on dudes, but 80% of the article was talking about how easy dudes have it. He totally hoopered himself there.
Rassim one of the best players at bball. Everyone likes him, especially noel and apostolhs. They are gay for Rassim
Apostolhs: Rassim so sexy guys omg
Noel: Damn man i want to be like Rassim
Rassim: I'm Rassim the hooper
What ever ethnic race a person from Indiana is
I ran into a bunch of Goop Hoopers at the local mall today.
Luke is a amazing guy who doesn’t take bullshit from anyone. He looses friends but they are fake friends. He is a amazing man who will be making a lot of money in his future.
Have you seen Luke Hooper. He has so much money
Getting outrageously drunk on your last work outing.
1. Ohhhhh my heads so sore, I did a Jess Hooper last night... Lucky I don't have to see any of those people again
2. I've handed in my resignation, I'm heading to the work party, I'm gunna do a Jess Hooper
When in a relationship with a charlie he can be very shy and innocent, but don't be alarmed when he says something that is not so innocent, charlie is the kind of guy who will stop at nothing to make you happy, charlie is like a brother to most people and he gets along with people well, but don't get on the bad side of charlie, he can say some awful things if he wanted to, charlie is a very sweet man, but if you don't want a lazy guy then steer clear of him, in order to make him get up and do something you have to ask very nicely but only when charlie is in a good mood, charlie may not be a skinny guy but for all the girls who like the thicker guys charlie is your best bet
Who doesn't like a good charlie hooper
"Did you see charlie hooper-" "yes I did he is so adorable omfg"