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At least we don't hafta shovel liquid water

A wry remark intended to make light of da fact dat a period of da winter has been very rainy.

Jokingly telling fellow adults dat, "At least we don't hafta shovel liquid water" may indeed make them feel better about a drearily-wet portion of da end/beginning-of-year season, but small children may not be over impressed or cheered by said statement, since they would much prefer to have snow dat dey could go out and play in.

by QuacksO November 22, 2021

At least 2

When your buddy asks a really stupid question and you know the answer must be a pretty large number but you don't particularly feel like exerting the mental energy required to respond to it with any degree of accuracy.

Friend: How many grains of rice do you think people have eaten like in total throughout history?
You: Ehhh at least 2.

by h_isthebestletter24 November 8, 2024

at least the fries were good

when a situation or experience is terrible, but you sarcastically acknowledge the silver lining

“Hey Scott, how was the movie?” “at least the fries were good.”

Judy! how was your date?” “at least the fries were good”

by Letty O’toole May 20, 2018