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turnips and heat

Trailer park English..told you so

It's time to turnips and heat Julian

by Randy gilf hunter November 13, 2022

Wednesday turnip

This turnip likes to hide in bushes on green painted patios.
Beware of it. Though it can't stay angry at you. Awwwwww, high five!

Deliver us from si---*get's eaten by turnip*

by Ben Wiggins August 30, 2004

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Turnips Tied

To be stuck or confused; another phrase for "in a pickle"

Tommy has his turnips tied trying to answer the calculus problem.

by The Jack Vance February 3, 2023

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Turnip trolley

Used to tell someone there crazy, insane or plainly out of there mind. Usually when someone falls off the turnip trolley they are considered insane, sane people on the other hand would be on the turnip trolley.


The Canadian: Turnip and Jewish: Trolley

1) When did you fall off the turnip trolley?!
2) You must of just fell off the turnip trolley?
3) Go back to the turnip trolley you fell off you silly bitch.
4) Oh my god, I must of just fell of the turnip trolley.

by OKGO! January 4, 2010

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laying a turnip

When one is in a state in wich he creates a large anal excroitation which takes the shape of a vegatable often known as the turnip,

there seems to be a vegatable spraying/oosing out of my anus, i seem to be LAYING A TURNIP

by david somerville May 31, 2007

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Turnip Tickler

A turnip tickler is a faggot/poof/queer/gay, I think you get it. Turnip being the metaphor for male genitalia.

Poof: Come here mate, I want your ass!
You: Piss off you turnip tickler

by Gaylord_v_Gr8 November 20, 2007

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Minty Turnip

An experience where you are harassed by someone (often on Facebook) by a white person.

White person - "I noticed your name sounds like "Minty Turnip""

by ClassyFlosser February 18, 2011

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