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Cool Kid

@Austinbenyo on twitter

Person 1: You are such a cool kid!

Person 2: So im like @Austinbenyo! Thank you!

by Hot butt cheek March 7, 2022

Cool kid

cool Kids are often chill and nice where as you can have the other cool kids that are popular and bitchy to everyone

Omg I’m such a cool kid, unlike Susie 🙄

by Sophiethecoolkid November 23, 2018

Cool Kid

Autistic 13 year old croatian retard who is less autistic then the autistic kid in his class, likes to make memes, show nudes, talk to hebroninininininininininians and to a retard called Martin. Says that even when he's 30 he'll call himself Cool Kid, says "If i had a sister i'd sell her"!

Derby:"Where is Cool Kid"
Martin:"Idk he's no contacting me"
Marty:"DUH HELLO ah rude man"
8th grade chick with big boobs:"PLEASE WRITE ON MY BOOBS"

by NightT0xic July 13, 2018

Cool kids

People who seem to get lots of attention because they follow trends and are certainly NEVER introverts. Seriously, a "cool kid" could say "You gay" and shouts would echo throughout the school building.

Man that guy is such a Cool Kids, he just roasted that kid BAD!
(Cool kid/kids

by The_most_epic_gamer April 12, 2019

Cool kid marissa

she plays minecraft and constantly plays bedwars has a cool kid club with just her and this other girl she constantky wants to blow up people's moms and says your mom at the worst times during a conversation.

there is none for Cool kid marissa

by thesecondandonly March 14, 2021

Cool kid brien

a cool kid brien by the name of brien. best member of the logic trash channel and very nice.

cool kid brien is the best member of the logic trash channel

by yacob k August 1, 2022

Cool kid Walter

Cool kid Walter is an especially cool kid character found in outdated geography textbooks. Walter is usually found in some cool lid shades and his edgy Walkman.

Teacher- “open your books to page 34

Students- *go wild because they see cool kid Walter*

by Cool kid Walter school book May 16, 2019