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She is a wonderful, kind, caring friend. She is very loud and it doesn’t match her other friends Chloe. She has a true heart and would never betray you. She is really funny and cute and you need to keep her if you find her. She might be the love of your life...

P1- Is that Bella

P2- Yeah i might like her

P1- β€œK”

by ScottYeet March 10, 2019


Bella is the type of girl you want to be around. Bella cares about everyone she meets. She is often shy when you first meet her, but is very outgoing once you get to know her. Bella can often feel insecure about herself. She can sometimes feel uncomfortable with herself. Sometimes she thinks everyone is making fun of her when really people are talking about how much they love her. Everyone is jealous of Bella. Boys wanna be her boyfriend and girls wanna be her or at least be friends with her. Bella might seem very nice and gentle, but if you ever mess with her a whole different side of her will come out. Bella will never be afraid to confront someone because she knows she is right. If you ever become friends with a Bella I suggest you keep her as a friend because she is the most amazing person you could ever meet.

Boy 1: Wow did you see Bella today?
Boy 2: Ya I did she looks amazing!
Boy 1: I heard she confronted some girl today.
Boy 2: Knowing Bella she probably did she's never afraid to confront someone!

by Smexy Woman January 7, 2018


Its the character of a book name Twilight, that is clumsy enough to be a "Trouble magnet" and falls in love with a vampire called Edward

I can’t imagine how awful that must feel. Being normal? Ugh.
Bella Swan

by Cintillo February 8, 2009

154πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


A dumb fuck who loves pizza bagel bites

β€œYeah, your friend Bella she’s a dumb fuck”

by Emersyn. June 17, 2019

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Bella in italian means beautiful - every Bella is this inside and out! She is stunning, funny, an amazing person to be around, she is sexy and usually very generous. Any person with such a name would make for an amazing best friend or girlfriend. If your lucky enough to be given the chance to have a Bella in your life, take it!

Bella is everything i want

by QURL January 10, 2011

1452πŸ‘ 597πŸ‘Ž


An amazing, and beautiful girl, also the perfect best friend. It tends to have a mind of its own, and likes to party and have a great time. Does not get along well with the police, especially on thursdays. Enjoys joyrides and boys. Not to be confused with characters from twilight.

"Someone stole Bella's phone, do you know who did it?"

by katslikewhoaa July 8, 2010

572πŸ‘ 240πŸ‘Ž


the italian word for beautiful

in italy you usually kiss both cheeks before or after you say "ciao bella" which means goodbye beautiful

"ciao bella"
(goodbye beautiful)
**kiss 1 cheek, kiss other**

by italian bella(: July 11, 2008

772πŸ‘ 345πŸ‘Ž