the humorous name for the fake Yeezy Boost 350 Turtle Doves
- Damn, I got scammed for the yeezys
- Shit man, you got the tortoise pigeons
a tortoise that farts out of control.
my tortoise is a tooter tortoise
When someone is so clapped that they look worse than a tortoise
Abbie is a clapped tortoise
Refers to masturbating an uncircumcised penis.
Hey, I was with Kenneth last Friday and he asked his girlfriend if she wanted to stroke the tortoise; in front of everyone.
Flaccid, impotent male genitals that result from consuming too much alcohol (esp. whiskey or bourbon).
"He got so drunk and later, in bed, he had a total whiskey tortoise. I lied and told him that it was fine and that all that mattered was being close to him."
A version of docking in which one participant wears a condom (for safety or other reasons).
George is just getting to know Rocco and doesn't feel comfortable docking with him without a condom and prefers the Roman Tortoise method
Slower than fuck. A very slow person.
It takes that bitch forever to put her makeup on she has tortoiseitis.