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Probably the worst series of books,
that later turned into one of the worst movie, ever created.
The story revolves around the protagonist Bella Swan, who is the average every day MaryJane new girl in town, with not-so-special looks, and personality.
But dispite all of that, the most inhumanely gorgeous boy, Edward Cullen, catches interest in her. That is just one of the many cliches displayed in this book.
Another being that he is a vampire who thirsts the most for Bella's blood, yet ironically loves her.
Woah, no one saw any of this coming. I could hardly stomache reading it. Every other sentance is describing Edward's perfect face, and body, and whatever, which leads me to believe Stephenie Meyer has some severe issues living in a sad fantasy to escape the reality she didn't marry someone like that.
Though I did not read the last one, I was told Edward and Bella have sex and produce some kind of mutant half vampire half human offspring. Which furthers Stephenie's perversions. It's a teen book for god's sake, keep that shit to yourself.
The fact that the book is about an average everyday girl like most of us, who finds the perfect boy is the perfect ploy to bring in naive lonely tween girls to purchase this horrible cliche book.
Though dispite how truely awful, and lacking in any literary devices it is, it was turned into a movie. Which proved that the movie industry has gone to shit.
The acting was nothing special, and the scenes moved so fast it seemed unreal. One scene they hate eachother, and the next they're in love. And it is not real love, it is based on shallow, looks-based feelings. But, it was a movie about Twilight, so I expected as much.
For some reason, girls, housewives, and even some boys seem to be obsessed with the book and the sweet things Edward says.
I think people need to get across that it is a BOOK. Therefore Edward will say the right things at the right time. And for that matter, Edward is a figment of Stephenie Meyer's mind. So anything he says is what SHE has made up. If you are "so so so in love with Edward" Then you really feel so about the author.
Fuck this book, and fuck everyone who loves it so much.

Twilight is the epitomey of shit.

by hheartbreak January 31, 2009

369πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž


A plot used by the book companies to assassinate the new president.
Phase 1: The book companies hire a author to write a book that will give fat chicks hope that a vampire will stumble upon them and fall in love with them. It makes since seeing as how, with a few exceptions, fat chicks are reading the books.
Phase 2: They make a movie, the fat chicks go to the movie and spend an assload on snacks.
Phase 3:The movie theaters send the snack money back to the Book companies who then hire a gunman.
Phase 4: Dead president...while its still unclear as to why there doing this it is a threat we must all face.

Fat Chick: I'm going to buy twilight.
Guy: Are you trying to get our president shot?

by Alix McQ November 30, 2008

281πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


(ˈtwaΙͺˌlaΙͺt) Noun

1. An insult to the word literature.
2. Anything which is a waste of time and money.
3. A communicable infectious disease, esp. one which primarily targets teenage girls.
4. Crap.

1. Yeah, I've read that new teen vampire romance. It's a Twlilight.

2. I can't believe I wasted five bucks and two hours of my life on that movie. That was the worst Twilight of my life.

3. Don't stand out there in the cold, Susan. You'll catch a Twilight.

4. Twlilight.

by Philintheblank October 12, 2010

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A book with no plot;sexist, racist, do I need to go on? Staphanie meyers based Bella off of herself. Conceited much? Don't waste any of your time reading this, unless you want to read about Edward SPARKLING!?

Person 1: hey, person 2, what is twilight about?

Person2: let me try to think... Well, nothing

by 350-yes we can December 14, 2009

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A book written for whiny pre-teens. People with intelligence probably won't enjoy it considering that through the whole flipping series the whole plot line is "Bella, I'm a vampire." and then Bella says something stupid like " I don't care, I love you!" Don't waste your time and money on any of it; you'll thank me later.

"Twilight is a pathetic excuse for literature."

by *~Blacksunbeam~* January 10, 2010

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


An unimaginative story the centers around a girl named Bella Swan who falls in love with Edward Cullen, a vampire. The main characters are practically 2-dimensional with their lack of personality and the plot is ripped off from many vampire romance novels from the past, all were better written.

Teenage girls everywhere have fallen in love with the book for only one thing: Edward Cullen. They seem to think he's real and the sexiest man alive... when, to be frank, he's quite a ways from it.

People are changing their names all across America to something Twilight-related and kids are selling out their lives to read the terrible story for the 14th time.

"I love Twilight!"
-Whiny fan girl

"Why can't you be like Edward in my Twilight books?"
-Girl breaking up with her boyfriend because he isn't like a fictional vampire

"Twilight sucks ass."
-said by anyone with half a brain.

by Schmuck of the Irish September 12, 2009

28πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The book designed for teenage girls to get off to and teenage boys to secretly read under their covers with a flashlight each night trying to feed off of what Edward does in hopes of getting a few pointers in winning girls over. Everyone will have negative things to say about this but all I can say is, congrats Stephanie Meyer; you sure won over the minds of a billion hormonal teenage girls by talking about Edward's chizzled jawline for 4 books straight.

"Really, what's the plot?"
"Uhmm..... IDK but Edward, the vampire boy, IS SO FUCKING HAWWTTT."

by Danielle Danielle January 8, 2009

448πŸ‘ 161πŸ‘Ž