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The United States of America

The place all of you WISH you lived.

You're just jealous!!

by mE March 17, 2005

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United States Of America

When referring to the USA, it refers to a country that supports intellectual terrorism with it's anti-circumvention laws, region locks, RIAA, MPAA, ESA, corporate double-dipping, charging for a television broadcast ,software patents, and the shutting down of merchants that sell mod chips.

The only freedom of religion in the USA is freedom from religion.

Bush sends his own kind to die in a war for oil--if you happen to be an atheist, you are allowed to think that it's a 'my god can beat up your god' war.

The tax code is the most complicated of any industrialized nation.

The USA is the place where unborn children go to die against their will.

Like a heroin addict looking for his next fix, the USA has to start wars with other countries.

Do-gooders force their ways on others to eliminate violence/profanity in the fantasy world.

You can sodomize your husband, but it's illegal to have another wife to hug.

Hate crimes towards immigrants.

The war on drugs...need I say more?

Friends don't let friends limit their freedom in the United States Of America.

A Christian in the United States Of America is treated like a shedding cat in a room full of people allergic to cats.

by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter January 15, 2008

173๐Ÿ‘ 257๐Ÿ‘Ž

united states of america

A nation consisting of 98% intellegent, decent, hard working individuals who are easy to work with or talk to and make pleasant company. Unfortunately, 2% are ethnocentric, racist, and very loud, thereby giving a huge black eye to the balance of the polulation. The second largest country by land mass in the western hemisphere. Currently being repeatedly humilated by the lies and corrupt practices of thier leadership.

I like the United States of America, but I wouldn't want to live there.

by KillAllHumans July 14, 2004

269๐Ÿ‘ 421๐Ÿ‘Ž

united states of america

Great country that is constantly bitched about by stupid europeans, despite the fact that we saved their sorry asses during WWII. Were it not for the USA, europe would be controlled by Nazis, asia by the USSR and oter communist regimes. Fuck all you stupid U.S haters. We shed blood for your sorry ass and this is how you thank us.

The United States of America continues to help other countries, despite all the bullshit we get from them

by usarules August 15, 2007

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United States Of America

The United States Of America is basically the edgy kid in class that tries to be different and unique from everyone else and also tries to force their beliefs onto other people.

I don't want to be an idiot of The United States Of America any longer!

by ZanetheBane November 1, 2021

The United States of America

The United States of America is a country situated in North America, sandwiched between Canada and Mexico (with the exception of Alaska and Hawaii). It's a first world country with some problems and issues which happened to be the only superpower, nothing more, nothing less.

To extremists, however, the United States of America is either a state which its civilians are fatso's cocking guns into eachother every few seconds, a future ethnostate which needs to remove immigrants one way or another, a perfect country which can do no wrong, or a boogeyman evil which can't do absolutely good and need to be either "liberated", or collapse.

Person: The United States of America is a North American country between Canada and Mexico. It's a first world country which has some issues that need to be fixed, but still a pretty nice country. Can't wait to get my hands on some Texas BBQ and some Gumbo.
European extremists: Huh, inferior Americans, fatty guys eating at McDonald's every day while shooting each other with guns.
White Supremacists: The US needs to remove any immigrants to protect our culture!
Hypernationalists: Oh, the Trail of Tears and the Iraq War? That was justified bro.

by Mr hurr durr April 23, 2022

united states of america

A country with citizens who take themselves and their country way too seriously.

Most people will agree that a country is only a symbol and that what it entitles is its population. And what is "population"? A group of diverse human beings.
What makes the United States different from Belgium? Very little. Its policies and laws may be slightly different, and some cultural and traditional aspects are obviously original to each country.
But apart from that, very little seperates them both. Or from any other country for that matter. Our needs and desires are the same.

So why on Earth are so many people debating the topic?!? Many Americans seem to puff themselves up by imagining that the whole world despises them and is continuously plotting either against them, or at least thinking evil thoughts about them.
Think. Again.
I've lived in Asia, Europe and the US. My father is African and my mother European, and I grew up in a French system. I've been surrounded by different people from different cultures since birth.

I can promise you: we aren't continuously fretting about Americans.The only time we really discuss them is when we read the paper or watch TV, ie through the media, and we only really ponder the effects the government's ideas will have on other countries. There isn't any American-bashing.

Therefore please stop victimizing your nation or yourselves. Nobody (in the Western world, in any case) really, sincerely, cares.

US citizen: Why does the whole world hate the United States of America? We haven't done anything wrong!
European: Umm... no. Not the whole world. The only European you'll find bashing the States is an immature adolescent who needs to sound clever by hating some political figure, and doesn't read the paper so picks the only country he/she knows a little about.

by Rousseau October 1, 2006

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