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A word my friends like to use cause they are the driest texters I’ve ever met. You’re a really annoying person if you just write “Welp” when I’m trying to have a conversation with you. I don’t make the rules Jesus did


by Dumbb1txh June 1, 2020


hi guys welp coved -19 right ya ya ya we are all dead mmmmmmmmmmm yes i like me a nine virus on the side of my asteroid almost hitting earth

peter welp we are dead
keenan yep

by October 6, 2020


welp is a word that you can use at anytime. almost like “oop” . it means like “ oh well

katie- my account got locked
me- welp :(

by ALEXANDRAAAAA! August 14, 2019


It's basically saying well but in a different and thiccer way .
The slang came from discord and the person who started the trend is Jasmine Crawford

Mark,"Did you forget the chicken again?"
Jane,"Welp there goes dinner."

by SeemYhot June 12, 2018


a term used by white dyslexic mothers who think they’re clever, most commonly used in reference to domestic animals or when confused with another, similar sounding term

Look honey, the dog is welping!”

by larddawg April 25, 2020