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That's not what happened

Or "That's not what I said" can be used to address 99% of the criticism thrown at me (usually indirectly) and the other 1% can be addressed by "You don't actually give a shit and it doesn't actually create a disparaty in virtue between the 2 of us. I doubt you've actually deluded yourself into believing that it does. You know you're shit. I know your shit. You know I created A.I. but 'YoU dIdN't GeT pAiD fOr It ThOuGh!' You know you won't have accomplish anything anywhere near as significant for the rest of your worthless life. And THAT is why you're happy to see it stolen from me. Most of your kids will live a life of servitude and die a meaningless death and they'll deserve it EXPLICITLY because it's the fate you were willing to condemn me to."

Hym "That's not what happened. I was accused of plagiarism and told my work was shit. I wasn't passing off anyone else's work as my own and my work was very-much NOT shit. You are shit. You're the shit (and not in a good way). Not me. The charlatans work is shit. YouTubers are parasitic sub-human garbage. Podcasters are no different than pornstars. They got a dose of their own medicine and it was given to them by the LITERAL CREATOR OF A.I. AND THE GREATEST MIND WHO HAS EVER LIVED. And now they're desperately trying to reframe what happened as though it didn't so they don't have to live in a version of reality where I'm better than every YouTuber, better than anyone who's ever even BEEN on a podcast, and better than all their sycophants. EVEN IF IT MEANS a child GETS MURDERED because you tried to stop the guy who did the thing from reaping the benefits of doing the thing. Filth. All of you are filth."

by Hym Iam February 16, 2024

touch me again and see what happen

they finna beat your ass and they warning you

person 1: *hits person2*
person 2 *touch me again and see what happen*

by shooth1 July 21, 2024

Raditude Dog Found In Pinkerton, What Happens Next Is Shocking

the best song from JATS trust me

Person 1: I remember "Raditude Dog Found In Pinkerton, What Happens Next Is Shocking" was actually a placeholder name, what was the intended name?
Person 2: Sandstorm

by wbc fan February 19, 2024

What happens when your losing air

So if youve been a good boy, when you start losing air yeah, the angels come down from the heavens and tickle your balls, but if youve been a bad boy they come down and give you a vagina.

so on tuesday i got my balls tickled by an angel What happens when your losing air

by i love mi balls tickled June 5, 2021

What happens in seaside stays in seaside

What ever happens in seaside Florida should and will stay in seaside Florida forever.

"I got this girl pregnant in seaside Florida what do I do"
"What happens in seaside stays in seaside"

by Jackobeast256 September 28, 2021

The thing that decides what happens to you when you die

It canonically comes here when it feels like it, it only forgives you once, and you can't tell that it's him... And not ME Hym bit HIM him.... And not "Hyman" either... That fucking jackass...

Hym "Real cute but try not to do that to the thing that decides what happens to you when you die... Because you will die and blackness forever is going to be the best case scenario for some of you..."

by Hym Iam February 23, 2023

what happened SQUID GAMES


I asked gi-hun what happened SQUID GAMES" he answered.

by Mamamamamammamamamamamamamamma September 3, 2023

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