Yo dude I have to pee really bad
well I guess you'll just have to experience the wilderness!
A scale used to determine that amount of "fucked up" a person is compared to functioning members of society.
That dude is fucking a chicken and fingering his butt!! That's definitely an 8 on the Wilder Scale.
Jack Wilder is one of the hottest men on earth. He’s in the movie “now you see me”. It’s a great movie and jack is the best horseman for sure. If you don’t agree your wrong. Sorry.
Who’s the best magician? Jack Wilder ofc.
Wilderous (adjective): Describing something that is dumb, obnoxious, or disappointing in nature.
Example sentence: “His wilderous behavior at the party ruined the evening for everyone.”
A partaking in all things man, with male friends (aka "Bros"). Wilderness feast must take place in a forest or woods of some type in which the "bros" proceed to hunt and live off the land. All that is taken to wilderness feast is hunting equipment, sleeping gear, and your manhood. Games are included in Wilderness Feast such as Javelin throw, tree shimmying, archery contests, and general feats of masculinity. One essentially lives, eats, and shits like the ancients. Points are also awarded to those displaying ungodly amounts of man in compensation for prized "bro titles". (Ex. Most small game slain=Bushwacker). One goes into Wilderness feast a man and comes out Les Stroud.
-Bro! I just landed like 50 fish at Wilderness Feast, I'll get "Master Baiter" for sure!
A very large cunt of epic proportions. Usually found in a tanning bed or flapping her fat jowls with "friends".
Did you see that whale in the ocean? It sure was a Tiffany Wilder
When a girl handcuffs a man to a bed then urinates on his chest.
Guy 1: Did you hear what happend to joe?
Guy 2: No, what happend?
Guy 1: His crazy girl friend handcuffed him to a bed then pissed on his chest.
Guy 2: Aww nasty he got a Wet Wilder.