Throughout heaven and earth. He alone is "The Bald One"
Alex Wimble Wombles - When you've Wimbled all your Wombles.
The act of a poor soul waking up from a frighteningly realistic nightmare in which there is a womble in the bed with them.
ah mate, there’s a fucking womble in the bed
Two grown men dressed as wombled of Wimbledon common taking turns fucking someone
Clint was found wombled on the common his arse was in tatters
A do-gooder who likes to clean up the streets after a riot. Names after the well known Wombles of Wimbledon Common, who make good use of the things that they find, the things that the everyday folk leave behind.
Look out for the riot wombles on their way to Clapham Junction. They'll be armed with strong language, brooms and bin bags.
Some one who cant do the job they have been given to do.
good for nothing
All i asked for was a bj and she couldnt even do that right the bloody shit womble
Vernacular phrase for male genitalia
"That guy's girlfriend lopped off his wombly bits."
A way to say "very good", or sometimes "good job" in an obviously fake British accent.
"Very good move, my old chap, wombly combly."
"Wombly combly.