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Sam: To be of equal or greater coolness than a unicorn pimp.

Shit son, that dude(tte) just out-pimped that unicorn!" "Dayumn foo, must be a Sam.

by UncleSamFFI April 29, 2011

34πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


The greatest guy you’ll ever meet. He is kind, patient, and selfless and his smile is just pure gold. There is something magnetic about him...something that draws you in and makes you never want to let go. He’s the glue for all your broken pieces.

Friend: Ah I see you have that smile on your face again!! Talking to Sam?

Me: Yeah, I’m telling you there’s just something about this guy I can’t describe. He makes me so happy to be alive.

by Emilyrichardson__@804 February 28, 2021

108πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


the most brilliant person on Earth. Good looking, charming and from London. Aslo wears the best socks. If you aren't Sam you should wish you was.

Chuck Norris- have you met Sam.
Other man who isn't important in any way- No why
Chuck Norris- your life isn't complete, and you don't deserve to live..
Other man dies painfully

by the real Chuck Norris February 18, 2012

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The most amazing human being on the face of this earth.

He'll love everything about the girl he chooses to be with and that girl is the luckiest alive. He's brilliant and handsome! No one could compare to a Sam. They are amazing, they are in Gods perfect image.
Sam's are typically amazing kissers, they have big dicks, and a beautiful girlfriend to finish the touch. A girl without a Sam isn't a girl at all... She's a dike.

Girl 1: I wish I had a Sam like you do!
Girl 2: Everyone wishes they had a Sam... He's perfect

by 022711forever January 12, 2012

25πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


one crazy awesome girl. Loves to rock out. Usually used in great context. She has Her Fingers on the pulse of all that is Fun.

James- "I'm bored."

Erin- "You should hang with Sam today"

by Super Jenius August 19, 2008

58πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


A handsome and amazing person.

He says little things that make you blush.

He makes all the other girls swoon and doesnt notice becuase he is to busy with his girl.

He has an amazing dress sense and never seems to be unhappy.

Always has a smile

Has a duck called liam.

Loves a girl called Beckie

That boy is such a sam

I know he makes my heart beat.

But he is with Beckie *cries*

by LoveHim4Lyf September 2, 2008

145πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


A perfect and handsome and amazing and cutest most wonderful being ever to exist.

Sam is an Angel

by Benvoleeo July 3, 2017

70πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž