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Karl Marx said it best: Religion is the opiate of the masses.

I don't agree with anything else (i.e. communist philosophy) that Marx said, but I agree with him on this one.

by RyanTheMan August 11, 2004

208๐Ÿ‘ 223๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fools way of explaining things they cannot comprehend or do not wish to comprehend. Something to control and make people feel secure.

Has caused countless deaths and wars for such rediculous reasons.

A social culture so riddled with flaws, lies and contradictions it is laughable. Wait, so where did all these other people come from after Adam & Eve? What of Dinasaurs, eh?! What of them!?

God: "Thou shall not build houses of worship in my name"

*we go an build houses of worship*

God: "Your you humans are fucking idiots, I leave you now to kill yourselves..."

by Your Lord & Master April 20, 2004

194๐Ÿ‘ 207๐Ÿ‘Ž


"religion is a failed attempt to explain our reason, & our meaning. Just books of unrealistic and unbelievable stories."
-me, me, and me

or if your religious...

the belief, usually by a large group, which usually explains the creation of life, morals, and reason for life. often with an after-life or reincarnation which can either be bad (hell) or good (heaven). Usually is theistic with one or more gods and in some groups, has an underworld keeper like Satan which is the symbol of everything evil.

smaller groups which follow these guidelines are called cults

boy would god smite me if he heard me say that first part

by CorrodedBeing November 30, 2004

253๐Ÿ‘ 276๐Ÿ‘Ž


From an anthropological perspective religion is the personification of natural forces in order to allow a means of understanding and making sense of them. These personified forces, known as mythologies or "Gods", take an interest in "human" affairs. It has historically been extremely important in allowing socieites to deal with uncertainty, creating meaning for death, suffering, etc., and has helped to create communities.

Examples of religion can range & vary between small trible beliefs found around the world to large structured institutions such as Christianity.

by Samurai September 27, 2004

265๐Ÿ‘ 289๐Ÿ‘Ž


See Dilusion, or see Lie

Well, I was reading the bible today, and it says that I get to go to heaven if I follow this religions every wim! Yay! It must be true, cuz this book says so!

by Kiefer poons February 21, 2006

126๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž


There are several types of religions on this planet. Each as crazy as the next. People believe in all different kinds of higher powers or Gods. Why is YOURS the right one? Christianity for example is ruining the united states. The Bible is in essence of a book of magic and miracles. In the stories of the Bible, God talked to people, and miracles happened, why doesnt that happen anymore today? Because it never happened, and the Bible was written by man. One last thing...consider this, there are a growing number of people who believe that we descend from alien life(me not being one of them), and you may laugh at that theory. But there is a mountain of evidence(even evidence documented by the U.S. government, yes it's true. Don't believe me? Well it's certainly out there) pointing to the existance of extra-terestrial life compared to the NO evidence of the existance of God. That is all.

The opium of the masses.

by Max January 14, 2005

196๐Ÿ‘ 210๐Ÿ‘Ž


One word: Hypocrisy

Organized religion is not for me....just a bunch of hyprocrites.

by D. Ferrel September 26, 2003

120๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž