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Somebody who is an almighty being, who is the root of all creation

Forget god, we must thank the almighty Yates

by Tommy Yates May 12, 2020


The word "Yate" is a future-tense word for "yeet".

1. i will yeet it.
2. no, you will yate it

by Whatevenismylifehelp July 26, 2018


A future tense yeet

Ill probally yate it

by Halt salt October 7, 2019


Plural past tense of the word yeet

Did you see when the crowd at coachella yate their undies at the yodelling walmart kid?

by YeetKidd May 7, 2018


The future-tense of yeet. A yeet that has not yet happened

He was planning to yate on them tomorrow as a surprise

by Pukgai Gweilo January 16, 2018


The future tense of the word yeet.

I’m probably going to yate this soda can down the hall because why not?

by 1StupidName March 11, 2019


Future tense of “Yeet

Bro Im gonna play football at yate that ball like 50 yards

by Fuckusernames May 31, 2018