Why the fuck did you type this
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The real new year’s excitement is from this thing being updated and having a new urban dictionary definition so that bored people can be distracted for the amount of time it takes for the definition to load before they realize it’s some stupid unfunny “meta” joke that’s been done 99 times before or another generic “Omg you must be so bored to have searched/copy and pasted this!!!!”
Bored person: *copy pastes* © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® adshelpprivacyterms of servicedmcaaccessibility statementreport a buginformation collection noticedata subject access request
Bored person: omg I distracted myself from boredom and the fact that I am not doing anything productive and the slow crawl of time for a few seconds by searching this.
68👍 2👎
When you just become so incredibly bored that you search for the text with a gif on the right side of a definition.
If you ever feel useless, just remember that URBAN DICTIONARY IS WRITTEN BY YOU Define a Word TWITTER FACEBOOK HELP SUBSCRIBE © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® ads help privacy terms of service dmca accessibility statement report a bug information collection notice data subject access request is a definition.
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" what if i copy this and paste it im sure I'll get something funny ahahahahah "
" © 1999-2022 Urban Dictionary ®
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" ok "
" Stop. Do something with your life. Stop trying to find these " ohh haha look how bored you are xdxd " easter eggs. Get. A. Life.
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the greatest thing of all time
if you seriously just typed UrbanDictionaryis writtenby you Define a Word Twitter Facebook Help Subscribe © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® adshelpprivacyterms of servicedmcaaccessibility statementreport a buginformation collection noticedata subject access request. then i have a question, what is wrong with you???
Signs that may appears in the stair ways. This means you cannot get to the top of building through normal ways.
J: No roof access in this stairs. Can't we find a way to the top and shoot some fireworks?
B: Climb up the wall then.
J: Never.
A custodial parent who does not honour access agreements in place for the other parent to see a child as an agreement of separation or divorce when there are children involved.
The goal is to “punish” the non-custodial parent by alienating the affections of the child.
Usually the first step in the parental alienation process.
An access deadbeat will endanger the emotional health of the child for his/her own personal satisfaction.
This term does not favour one gender, as both men and women can lay claim to the title.
This access deadbeat will not let me see our child; we had an agreement!