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hide yo kids, hide yo wife and hide yo husband too cus they rapin everybody out here

this very famous quote was said by antoine dodson in a television interview in 2015. this has become a meme and now antoine is very rich. i personally like to say this phrase when i am in a bad mood and this definitely helps.

"hey have you heard the bed intruder song?"
"yeah it's like, hide yo kids, hide yo wife and hide yo husband too cus they rapin everybody out here..."

by niggo_mode April 17, 2019

4👍 3👎

pau no cu do jota ce

A expression frequently used for students that have to, unfortunately, take class with this personification of its own ego called JC.

- caralho tu viu oq o jc fez??? pau no cu do jota ce

by deadinside665 September 4, 2018

that's cu

When something is cu, it most likely isn't good. sometimes Cu can be good. Cu is Cu. If your girlfriend cheats thats Cu. if you won the lottery, thats cu.

Cu guy #1 "My parents just caught me sneaking out"

Cu guy #2 "That's cu"

by Ozbee September 10, 2022

Cu Maya

The best person on the face of the earth. Literally don’t even let her go, because she will fuck your life up. No big explanation needed except that she’s the best person who’ll support you and be brutally honest (sometimes mean) but it’s all with love so take everything with a grain of salt.❤️ 🩹

Omg Cu Maya’s just him🐐.

by UssyGushy June 8, 2023

Cu Maya

The best person on the face of the earth. Literally don’t even let her go, because she will fuck your life up. No big explanation needed except that she’s the best person who’ll support you and be brutally honest (sometimes mean) but it’s all with love so take everything with a grain of salt.❤️ 🩹

Omg Cu Maya’s just him🐐.

by UssyGushy June 8, 2023


When cousin relatives are so close that they naturally bond too each other like siblings.

Red is my first cousin but he is more like my big cu-brotha. (Big Cousin & Big Brother combined)

by Nubian Mystic November 26, 2023

Cu de passa

Portuguese expression for an ass that old and wrincled. Like a grandmas ass. Like a raisin

Aquela gaja tem cá um cu de passa!

A tua avó tem cu de passa.

O teu cu de passa tirou-me a tesão.

by Joel o Besouro June 10, 2020