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Hair: Choppy , usually black and/or blonde. Fake extensions obligatory if you're female. Oh, and make sure they don't match the rest of your fucking hair.

Girls: tight pants, polka dot shirts, bows, and those ugly slip-on flat mom shoes in some kind of pattern you wouldn't even want as wallpaper.

Boys: pants so tight they cause sterility, band t-shirts, and some annoying color of converse. Sometimes they like to say they're skaters and carry around a skateboard to make themselves seem like they're more than just vanity. We all know this is a lie. Also, sometimes it's BMX, etc.

Fashion: High. But only in price. Ugly pastels and fucked up floral patterns galore. Thunderbolts, dinosaurs, robots, diamond encrusted brass knuckles (or just plain diamonds), cupcakes, and broken hearts are all a key basis for the scene imagery. Scene bitches are no different than the ordinary stuck-up, preppy, taking daddy's credit card for a joyride at the mall female money vacuum.

Urban Dictionary: Anyone who didn't get past the first few paragraphs without giving the submission a thumbs-down.

Music: None. They either think they're too good for music, or they say they listen to indie, 'dancepunk', or electronica...but it's always no more than a ploy to seem alternative. Most cannot understand music enough to have any viable input or taste (hence why we keep seeing this steady propagation of ridiculous genre names). Like many others, they feel their interests are an extension of themselves and therefore only advertise what they are sure others will praise.

Language: Some talk like the ghetto cliche, others talk like any other illiterate asshole, and very few who type properly do it for reasons other than the fact they want to look smart or superior. Elongated consonants added to the endings of words is often used. They're almost always Myspace whores and put the number of the friends they have in their username.

Summary: Like any other teenager, they're stupid, naive, and ignorant. Like any other teenager, very few grow out of it, especially those in the scene due to the relentless addiction to materialism and consumerism. But the latter addictions can also be applied most relevantly to those of the 'ghetto' and 'prep' clichΓ©s. In fact, there really is no barrier between any of the stereotypes because they're all based around the same shit. Like this music, wear these clothes, think this way, the only reason the scene is such a plague is because of it's blatant popularity. But it's the popularity that brings out the idiocy of the masses. The scene kids may be stupid, but so is anyone else who follows a trend or lives only for the social acceptance of a particular sect of society.

Many scene people post pictures up on Myspace and give it a caption like 'eww' or 'I'm so uglyyyyy'.

The basic format of a scene Myspace name is:
(First name here)(alliteration to first name here)(Trademark sign)(friendlist number (X.Xk format) here)(symbol of heart or other here)

Example: Katie Kaosβ„’ 3.7k<3

by WWIII March 9, 2008

89πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


People who are Scene(aka Scensters) whore themselves in everything relating to Emo and Screamo music. Scene kids try very desperatly to keep posers out of the 'scene' by giving off a distinct "I'm better than you, I'm so hardcore, you're not-go die" attitude. This attitude towards others makes them appear self-centered and obnoxious. Granted some of them aren't, the majority of scene kids are assholes. In an attempt to save their favorite bands from going "mainstream" and selling out, they act like bitches, basically. Scene kids have the same characteristics as your average hXc Emo Kid. Scene girls in particular find it necessary to whore themselves to appear hardcore and tough. They can be seen with short, choppy hair cuts, excessive amounts of eye make-up, tight band t-shirts, facial piercings, and a digital camera in their hand (because they can't go 5 minutes with taking a sexxxy photo of themselves from a weird angle to post on their MySpace to attract scene boys). They are probably the most self-centered of the scene kids and they take pride in acting like sluts and sleeping with as many Emo boys as they can.

Megan is so scene. She's hooked up with every member of Everytime I Die For Your Mom 3 times!

by Ashweed<3 August 5, 2005

67πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


all these definitions are disgusting. why does scene have to include a million definitons of people saying that scene people are "obnoxious", "self centered", "pretentious" or "egotistic". Why must people be categorized like that?

to me: scene is a movement. it's when a group of people who happen to like similar kinds of music and fashion (and many other things)come together. Consequently scenesters like to express themselves however they want to in relationship to the music or their interests. who cares how they dress, or talk, or feel. Everyone should dress how they like, talk how they want to, and feel what ever they damn well please.

how is scene any different than any other label? Jock, prep, girly, hick... If you want to label a group, fine. But don't put down a group of people for what they like just because they "annoy" you or because you don't understand them. Maybe you annoy the fuck out of someone else but they're not rude enough to label you as a piece of shit.

"That girl is so scene, that guy is such a jock, those brothers are so preppy. They're probably all really nice. Maybe i should go introduce myself and get to know them."

by scenester7777 July 1, 2006

72πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


The lamest movement of anything ever. A movement of conformists for the sake of individuality. An oxymoron so wrapped up in itself that it can't even see how fake it is.

Joan: Ann, we're so scene, we should come with a warning!
Me: Get a life, please.

by THE Johanna June 28, 2005

88πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


idiots with no identity.

All those fools in the picture gallery try to be cool by being something they aren't.

by Georgy April 18, 2005

1906πŸ‘ 1650πŸ‘Ž


girls or guys that do the following:

-get on their myspace and try to make it as hardcore/emo as possible, such as: try to look as serious and/or sad in their pictures, but look the same in every one; list every band they like, believing everybody is going to read the list; and use lyrics in every corner of their myspace, usually either emotional lyrics, or hardcore lyrics to make themselves seem independent and tough.

-watch teenage mutant ninja turtles and sport the clothing.

-go to coffee shops every morning (which is actually weird for straight-edge scenesters, since caffeine the most addicting drug around. and it doesn't make sense to drink de-caf coffee, because that's like smoking THC-free weed. that's not the point of coffee. good job, douchebag)

-"tough guy" hardcore scenesters wear camo cargo shorts and white t-shirts with their favorite band on it (usually with a picture of the lead singer on stage, with a whole bunch of kids rocking out near the stage, singing along, because after all: you can't hide how tough you are.)

-hardcore girls usually never actually get into the pit, but just sit and watch the guys, picking out which guys are "HOTTT" and look more defiant. most of these girls just become hardcore because their crush is hardcore, so they completely change who they are just so they can get a little closer to them. these girls piss me off the most. see fake.

-emo kid scenesters (guys) almost always wear girls pants and make out with other guys. and somehow, girls think that's hot. i've got news for you girls who like that: if 2 guys are making out with each other, they're gay and they don't fuck girls. it makes sense. emo guys also have their bookbags covered with emo lyrics, and have their hair black, with it parted to the side. or just have it cover their entire face. whatever floats their boat.

-emo girls usually wear bandanas around their neck and pretend to be depressed just so they can get attention. these girls are all spoiled and have perfect lives, but i guess losing a guy is more devastating than, say, having a childhood friend die, or having your parents die in a car accident and having NO ONE. but hey, whatever. almost all of them have a myspace and have 4028449 friends that they never talk to but see at local shows.

-dance like a retard.

-think breakdowns are the best thing ever, when in reality, an open string riff in drop D isn't that impressive. see lame

-think they're being independent and being an individual but really they all look the same. see goth

now, before i get bitched at by everyone, lemme make one thing clear: i love hardcore music. mostly the lyrics though. most guitar riffs in hardcore are simple. but i don't like the people that think being in a subculture is being independent and an individual. i don't dress scene and i certainly i don't act scene. i love all types of music like rap, punk, hardcore, metal, techno, etc. so before you call yourself an individual, look at the pictures on your myspace. you all look ridiculous.

scene guy: "hey, are you going to the show?"

scene girl: "maybe after i go to starbucks, buy a pink bandana, and put some pictures on myspace. is jeffery gonna be there? he is sooooo HOTTTT!"

scene guy: "you're lame, dude"


by timmy e September 17, 2006

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a myspace scene whore

is that miss mel from myspace?

she's heaps scene

by rickiiiii September 16, 2008

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž