When you have an extreme amount of anger towards a British person and you have the intention of jumping their scallywaggin chip chip cherio big gap toothed mate head ass
this mofva fukka is giving me thu biffles
best friend / bestest buddy / aka what phil calls dan
"no but really dan you are my biffle"
A member of the other romantic interest that you are very close with. Your best friend that you would never consider dating. The two may seen like a couple but they are just biffles
Sam: you and ido are a good couple.
Yael:what? Ido? No no he's my biffle
The definition of biffle is Morgan. Biffle is someone you love so much. And you can only have one. Biffle means Best intense friend for like EVER!!!
a friendship between a girl and a guy that's so close it looks like they're dating but they are too good of friends that it would completely ruin their friendship if they ever dated
"you guys so have a thing going on"
"nah he's just my biffle, we're only friends"
An unspoken bond between friends who share everything together, and do everything together making them appear attached at the waste. Who are best friends through thick and thin.
Duke and Melissa-Joe are always seen together and appear as Biffles among their group of friends.
A Best. Friend. For. Life. A super awesome friend that totally gets you.
His biffle was having a bad day so he brought roses to lift her spirits.