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black people time

(n) a system of time that is offset to make black people consistently late by aprox 30 minutes. the timezone and numerical values for the time are the same but the execution of appointments is such that black people seem to exist in a parallel world that is always behind everyone else.

I told jim to be here at 8:00PM EST but he just got her and its 8:30 already. I guess that is because he is on black time. (black time is short for black people time and is used interchangeably)

by THE ORIGINAL Webster September 18, 2008

113πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

black people of asia


"Filipinos, are like-- the black people of Asia.." -Donald Glover Childish Gambino

"Wow! You're like the black people of Asia!"

by afilipinomotherfucker November 19, 2017

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

bootleg black people

someone who acts like a black person. most commonly seen with the young hispanic community.

hispanic kid 1- "what up my nigga?"
hispanic kid 2- "shit nigga just chillin doin my thang."

white kid- "man look at those bootleg black people"

by leprachaun420 June 8, 2009

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Black People Shit

Black People Shit, often abbreviated as "B.P.S", refers to stereotypical activities, that are often of a criminal nature, committed by African Americans that non-black people become involved through random circumstances in that they have no experience of handling.

NOTE: If a non-African American willingly chooses to commit in said stereotypical activities that are often of a criminal nature with African Americans, it does not make it Black People Shit. Rather, it simply just makes it crime. Black People Shit is only used when the non-African American simply ends up in the situation.

*Driving around town with a car full of black people, one white guy in the car*

Black person: Oh, shit man, I gotta make a stop.
White guy: Cool, cool, no biggie.
Black person: Aight, sweet. Oh, by the way, can you hold this while I run inside of this house?
White guy: The fuck, is this a gun?!
Black person: Yeah, and I don't come out in ten minutes, come in blasting.
White guy: Man, Black People Shit.

by HenchyWorldPeace January 11, 2013

49πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Black people

1. God's people; Sons of Adam, daughters of Eve. 2. A people whose skin has been kissed by the sun, of African descent. 3. A people who have been systematically disenfranchised, dehumanized, and degraded and oppressed. A once prosperous nation of people.

I wonder if black people know how amazing they are.

by MelanΓ­a Trump July 9, 2020

5πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Black People

Black people are the most beautiful and talented people in the world. Many people see down on them because of their skin color but usually are just jeoules of their beautiful dark skin color. Black people have in a long time been slaves to white Americans who tortured them in a very long time. Even if slavery doesn’t exist now dosen’t mean that social media is tryna manipulate the black people that dark skin is ugly,dirty, and should bleach themselves because the lighter you are the more β€œbeautiful” you are. But that’s NOT true black people are beautiful,attractive,unique,nice,wonderful, and definitely talented!! To every black person you are BEAUTIFUL and love YOURSELF!!

#Blacklivesmatter #blackisbeutifoul #stopracism I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE

by Daniel mac miller September 15, 2018

7πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

Black people moment

When people outside the African American community speak loudly for any & every reason & take action for either a violent or nonviolent reason

Person 1: Dude , how's that fried chicken , macaroni & collard greens

Person 2: Its so good that I'm having a black people moment

by Faithmoriahfaith June 16, 2016

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž