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a person who lives in a trailer, has no money and has frequent sex with their parents

bob is such a bogan, did you see him and his mum last night??

by lucas_nom_nom October 3, 2009

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Anyone from Melbourne.

"Look at this bogan piece of shit, I bet he's from Melbourne"

by turbodiesel March 25, 2010

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A species of australian that dwels in a swer like a dwarf waiting for inocent people to walk passt to grab thier ankles.
loves to bask in galon of tommatoe suace (alos knows at ketchup)

Dont be such a bogan andrew

by Steve March 29, 2005

17๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


A subset of Australianโ€™s usually uncultured. Despite common beliefs that theyโ€™re white trash a lot of bogans are hard working, usually in blue collar jobs.

Bogans interest vary depending on their locality. Many have interest in V8 engine vehicles such as Holden Commodore or Ford Falcon. However, some are interested in owning large 4WD vehicles they take off-road during holidays or weekends. Members of the off-road Bogan community will often help a stranded or stuck 4WDโ€™r, but some will just drive past without even slowing down and place safety at risk to others.

Bogan attitudes range from the very considerate to the very inconsiderate. Education ranges from little high school to tertiary education.

Every Australian has a bit of Bogan in their lifestyle, others just embrace it more.

Calling a person a Bogan can be an insult or a compliment, depending on the topic.

These Bogan racists voting for Pauline Hanson donโ€™t realise how stupid they are.

โ€œYou right there bloke? Need a hand gettโ€™n ya car outta that muddy? Sheโ€™ll be right mate letโ€™s get ya sorted and back on the roadโ€

by Cheapfrills March 2, 2020

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The two quickest ways to locate a bogan are below:
1. Any person who has purposely attended or wished they could have attended a Metallica concert they missed. Please note: Attending a Metallica concert which takes place as part of a music festival where a large line up of other bands play does not count.
2. Any person who owns a Metallica album other than the black album.

You own Ride The Lightning?! You bogan!

by chickenchaser2010 July 17, 2010

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You will find a mass of teenage bogans in Garden Place, Hamilton, New Zealand. Generally A male who wears a lot of black, wears T-shirts with "Metallica" and "Tool" on them, has plenty of piercings in their face, and most importantly loves Heavy Metal. They swear alot to prove how hard they are, they also carry knives because Maoris often try to beat them up for their "hardxcore" appearance. See skin heads

People try to deny the fact these people are named bogans, and say "don't lable." I don't like lables either, but how else can you describe their style when they're all the fucking same!

Bogan1- "Hey I want to get my septum pierced oi!"

Bogan2- "OI fucken OI!!!!!! Im getting my dick peirced oi fuck yeah"

Bogan2- "Fuck yeah! Im thinking I'll get a massive tattoo on my back of Satan what do you think about that? Fuck fuck fuck shit shit shit"


by Shainerr May 19, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


A boganism is a word, or phrase used by a bogan to produce a maximum impact description of a person.

Some examples of word-boganisms are:


Some examples of phrase boganisms are:

Jo is lower than a snake's Belly
Armostrong is slimier than an eel's arse
J.A. is a sluzzdogga

by nonturbo_brian September 17, 2009

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