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Jogna Bologna

Is a homesexual man named; Jon, Jonah, John, Jonathan, or Johnathan. Who is in the club and knows what you mean.

Hey, whats up Jogna Bologna, you in the club?

by _-_-_Squid_-_-_ December 16, 2019

Bologna Boy

A fat chode like man who is a fan of a nice cock meat sandwhich

See Chris over there, he's a serious Bologna Boy

by goodington February 24, 2016

stoner bologna

When you are so high, you google a word or phrase to find out what it means only to find it does not exist, thus creating a new word or phrase.

Dude, Trump totally stoner bologna'd "covfefe".

by Kristenkooster June 21, 2017

bologna flower

Genitals, primarily in reference to the female sex organs. Derived from shape, texture, and smell of the vaginals lips.

If there's anything I hate, it's a smelly bologna flower.

by Dr. Zimmerman June 26, 2006

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bologna skins

very large aereolas, commonly found on overweight women

I took off her shirt expecting too see a nice pair of knockers and was horified to see some bologna skins.

by Doyle November 15, 2003

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bologna taco

As the name implies, it is a bologna based taco. However the key difference is instead of using a taco shell the slice of bologna is being used as the taco shell. The toppings such as mustard are then directly applied to the bologna.

It is one type of a poorman's sandwich.

Dude: Hey man, I am starving.
Guy: I am outta bread, so go make yourself a bologna taco.
Dude: I better not get listeria.

by Matthew Crabbe September 9, 2008

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bologna tits

Titties that look like bolagna loafs.

That guy's got some serious bolgna tits.

by tim taylor March 10, 2005

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