Bags filled with feces or other booboo related materials. Commonly sold on Facebook and it's marketplace.
Gurl, you finta buy my booboo bags for $20?
Shoes that easily pick up doodoo/poop/dookie/shit
Damn bruh you got booboo magnets on, tracking all that shit in the house
someone very special to your heart, who deserves lots of love in life!
you my booboo!
as if your balls are stuck in his ass.
ya booboo nigga im nutting in you asshole.
another name for your side chick, or other woman/man that isn't your main girl/guy.
She's my Booboo but my girlfriend doesn't suspect a thing.
A child's word for Breasts (Boobs).
Your daughter is crying, maybe she wants to drink booboo.