Low energy. Fatigued. Tired. Exhausted and run-down. Derived from the 2016 presidential campaign when Donald Trump gave his opponent Jeb Bush the nickname “Low Energy Jeb Bush”.
“Yo bra u comin out tonight?”
“Nah bra, I’m so jebby bushy right now”
A swordfight with two black kids
The two kids did boston and bushy
When you have diarrhoea whilst out with the army and lampshade a Bush with shit and hit the passers-by
Jamie had a dodgy kebab and did a Bushy Sanderson on the hikers face
A very thick and hairy man who loves to 420 and Booze it.
“Bro who should we get fucked up with.”
“Definitely that dude Bushy Ryder he loves to 420 and Booze.”
a tourist who wanders into a locals pub and sticks out like a sore thumb
i'm going next door lads there is too many bushy connors in here for me
- a rooster in a bush
- a man’s manhood
Phillip has a bushy rooster.
When a person wants a to take a tolerance break for weed, instead of stopping they switch to smoking low grade home grown bush weed.
Person 1 "Ay man, why are you smoking that low grade bushie?"
Person 2 "Chill man in just taking a Bushie Detox"