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Camping, but not in the traditonal outdoor style.
"Camping" (usually said using air commas) can mean one of two things:
1. Camping in someone's back yard; either for not being allowed out, or is no convient place to camp, or sleeping in the house is not cool enough. "Campers" believe that they can not be heard in the house, despite the fact that they are in a box made of material.
2. A group of friends going to a remote place in order to drink large amounts of alchohol, where in a normal sleepover would not be permitted.

"Camping" normally takes place where there is no free house.

1. Lisa: Can we stay at your house tonight?
Katie: Nah, rents won't let us.
Lisa: Shall we go camping?
Katie: I don't know anywhere to go. Lets go "camping" in my back yard.
Lisa: Safe.

2. Katie: Can we get wasted at your house?
Lisa: Nah, parents won't let us.
Katie: okay, lets go to a random field.
Lisa: Dinedor okay with you?
Katie: Yeah, lets go "camping"

by Lisa Maffia August 5, 2007

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An Oriental Asian, not Hindi or Middle Eastern.

Yo man, I romped that camp!

by Panda Camp April 7, 2009

26πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


this basically means like, gay stereotype.
think a flamboyant, effeminate man who likes to think he has taste.
loves kylie/madonna/cher.
who talks like julian clary.

that julian clary, he's a terrible comedian! he's basically making money for being camp!

by xTruth_Hurtsx May 4, 2007

32πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


Verb - To delay when it is your turn to use psychoactive substances in a group setting.

Yo coleman, quit campin' on that spliff!

by devilnis October 4, 2006

22πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

The Camp

A place where you go on the weekends to get away from the city, usually on a lake or in the woods.

This weekend we should all get out of town and head to the camp.

by Nolawick April 12, 2016

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


exaggerated, flamboyant

For the drag act we'll need a completly camp stage set, with purple velvet cutains and glitter.

by mikee June 16, 2003

18πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Like when something is so yass and slay

β€œThat fedora Esvin is wearing is so camp”

by milly_poopoo December 23, 2021

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