Civil Beef if a state being, post incident, held between two or more parties. Typically the involved parties are not willing to act on said beef due to situational factor or possibly being moist.
Civil Beef usually occurs at the work place or family events.
Co-worker 1 - “what’s up between John and Adam? I swear they used to be best friends”
Co-worker 2- “ahh man, didn’t you hear ? They’ve got civil beef”
I was arguing with a co-worker and when I was told to go home. I looked at my boss and told him to stop being a Civil Dicter.
A men's hair style comprised of both a mohawk and a civil war-era mustache.
The biker who just walked into the bar has an awesome civil warhawk.
When two men bust a load in a woman at the same time in the same hole.
David: It was like a civil war in this girls ussy because both or sperms were fighting each other to win.
A war of numbers. The North was both more popilated and industrialized, and therefore had control of most of the weapons and ordinance production. The South being less populated and industrialized was thought to be easier to gain control of, and there had been a gold rush not long before the Civil War, which would interest powerful people in North to regain control of a seceded part of the union. Since the North wrote the history books, their version of history was always going to be the more popular and noble sounding version of history, but not everything in a book is to be taken without a grain of salt, any more than any other source. Most wars are money/resource/power struggles once you get below the surface, with headlines about abolition and emancipation from slavery being icing on the cake that gives people a warm, boosted ego, even if the people that started the war had no true interest in or gave a fuck about a single black/ African descendant since it's rare that ones that started the war are the same ones fighting in it (Washington being an exception).
The history books tell people the Civil War was about freeing the slaves to make people feel good inside because it sounds good, but for the average person fighting in it on either side, slavery was the last thing on their mind.
The act of completing a civil union and being legally recognized as a same sex relationship.
civil unionedunioned
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What America is on the brink of.
America is on the brink of another civil war thanks to Bill Clinton dividing everyone against eachother
so well.
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