Source Code


A brand of chocolate milk.

The term is often used by residents of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan as a synonym for "chocolate milk".

Vi-co was first sold in western Canada in the 1950's. For most of the product's life, it was marketed by Co-op Dairies / Dairy Producers. The Vi-co name was abolished when that company was purchased by Dairyland in 1995.

Can I get a cheeseburger and a Vi-co?

by sferris March 17, 2007

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1. (v) two or more people simultaneously crapping over water while holding hands

2. (n) the act of co-plopping

3. (n) the noise made when two or more turds simultaneously splash in the water

Our dog sniffed my ass after my wife and I co-plopped in the hot tub.

Daisy and I shared an intimate co-plop in the bathtub after a night of Mexican food, tequila shots and anal sex.

I think those nudists holding hands over there just shat in that puddle; did you hear a co-plop?

by KD and the L October 8, 2008


A person who is inside the stall next to yours trying to take a shit, where all you can identify them with is their shoes. After both you and your Co-Dumper are seated with asses exposed, both will attempt to stifle the sounds of bowel movement in order to avoid embarrassment. In extreme cases, silence may persist for quite some time until the pressure in the ass of either you or your Co-Dumper builds to extreme measures, and a loud disgusting gust of gas is released. With the silence broken, the other person now feels comfortable releasing their own gas which they have been painfully harboring. Usually at this stage, you and your Co-Dumper have built a bond, and will now shit in unison. The first to finish will quickly flush and wash their hands (or not), and purposely leave before the other person emerges from the stall in order to keep your identities a secret from one another. Later on, you may notice someone wearing the same shoes as your Co-Dumper, and an awkward moment arrives once again as the two of you pass by in silence with your heads down, hoping that the other didn't notice that you were their shit partner just moments earlier.

Derek: "Man, what took you so long in there? We've been waiting for 30 minutes!"

Alex: "Sorry, I had a Co-Dumper. It took a while for him to blow. I promise, I began excreting immediately after I heard his plops. Shit, don't look, I think that's him walking by right now."

by NJB85 July 29, 2010

co hitting

Two Individuals having sex with someone. Also See Threesome.

You know veronica? Yeah!! Adam and Ronnie were Co hitting that.

by Team Freddy March 20, 2007

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Parker, CO

A suburb in Colorado, approximately 30 minutes SE of Denver. Parker is a very white town, with whites comprising almost 93% of total population. Most of the people in Parker are either retired white folk (who live in rich neighborhoods such as Stonegate and Clarke Farmes), working class adults in their 20's and 30's without families, and the stereotypical white families who appear on Christmas cards each year. There are 3 public high schools in Parker. Chaparral is primarily the white kids who are sub-par at sports but throw the best parties, typically ones with more alcohol than one could imagine, hot girls, and plenty of drugs. Legend is the second high school in Parker, and the only school in the town with a half-decent reputation in regards to sports, specifically baseball and basketball. Ponderosa is the last high school in the town, and undoubtedly the least notable. Not much goes on there besides drugs and bad grades. Aside from partying, Parker doesn't have anything fun to do besides twiddle your thumbs, go to Sonic, and street race

Ryan: "Hey dude you down to chill tonight?"
Me: "yeah dude, where? my house?"
Ryan: "Dude you live in Parker, CO ...wth?"

by yaboi37 July 4, 2017

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When two people act miserable together.

Differs from commiserating. Commiserating is when people make themselves feel better by complaining together about a current bad situation.

New Dude-"What is up with those two?"
Bro-"Nuttin'. They always been together and hatin' on everything. They are just co-miserable".

by joesk84ever June 30, 2009

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Having relations with a partner whom is in a committed relationship with a third party.

"No, we never dated her but I was definitely co-hitting that."

"I know she has a boyfriend but I'm not too proud to be co-hitting that."

by J. Clark May 18, 2007

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